Sebastian Campione

On Stage



In 2017 the German-Italian bass singer made his successful debut as BARTOLO in „Le nozze di Figaro“at the Dresden State Operetta and is reengaged here the season 2017/18. Since the season 2016/17 Sebastian Campione is a member of the Wuppertal ensemble He portrays here such roles as CRESPEL, SPARAFUCILE, LEPORELLO, the COOK (Love for Three Oranges)... He returns to the Munster Theatre as EREMIT in “Der Freischütz” and SARASTRO in “Die Zauberflöte”

Before, Sebastian Campione was a member oft he German National Theatre in Weimar, where he could be seen in OSMIN, SARASTRO, FÜRST GREMIN, COLLINE, MONTERONE, CUNO and ASSIMILIANO in Verdi’s”I Masnadieri”. At the Bregenz Festival, the only 32-years old bass singer made his debut as KHEMAL and ABDULLAH in the world premiere of Peter Herbert’s opera “Trans-Magreb”. In Sunday Concerts of the Bavarian Radio, he was HUBERT in Max Bruch’s “Die Loreley”. At the Munster Theatre, Sebastian succeeded in guest performances as SARASTRO.

Sebastian Campione was born in Munich and already at the tender age of 8 he sang in the Children Choir of the Bavarian State Opera. He first studied singing with Bettina Kühne and Hartmut Elbert at the Bavarian Singing Academy, before completing his musical studies at the Munich Music and Theatre University with Wolfgang Brendel. While still studying, he took part in various university opera projects and sang at the August Everding Theatre Academy, where he could be seen a. o. as COLLINE, DON ALFONSO, TOLOMEO in “Giulio Cesare in Egitto”, GOBERNADOR in Henze's “Das Wundertheater” and as VATER in “Ein Landarzt”.

He was FIGARO and ANTONIO in Mozart’s “Le nozze di Figaro” in a production of the Bavarian Television. He repeatedly portrays the main role in operas from Rossini. In the Pasing Factory he sang SELIM in „Il turco in Italia“ and at the Sonderhausen Castle Festival he was very successful as ALIDORO in “La Cenerentola”. In his native town Munich he was DON MAGNIFICIO.

Immediately after graduating, he was engaged as member of the Munich State Theatre at the Gärtnerplatz (2009/2010) where he could be heard as SARASTRO, EREMIT, COLLINE, HALY in “L'Italiana in Algeri” , SAMUEL in the opera “The Pirats” and POOH-BAH in “Der Mikado”.

Sebastian Campione works with such conductors as Oswald Salaberger, David Stahl, Ulf Schirmer, Marko Letonja, Stefan Klingele, Stefan Solyom, Stefan Blunier and Massimo Zanetti.

In 2015 he received the Rudolf-Bräuer Scolarship for extraordinary vocal achievements.


Wuppertaler Bühnen - L’elisir d’amore - DULCAMARE
Once more not only vocally convincing Sebastian Campione ....
Whether Sangmin Jeon’s “Una furtiva lagrima” or Ralitsa Ralinova and Sebastian Campione’s “Io son ricco et tu sei bella”: it wouldn’t be fair to highlight any individual performance, as each and every singer was absolutely excellent to the delight of the audience.
Das Opernmagazin
Opernhaus Wuppertal - Luisa Miller - WALTER
The duke Walter is a grumpy, ill-bred authority figure; Sebastian Campione plays the role appropriately despicable.
Online Merker
From the Wuppertal ensemble Sebastian Campione as the demonic duke Walter, Rodolfo’s father, is particularly impressing.
Wuppertaler Rundschau
In Sebastian Campione the Wuppertal ensemble has found a singer with a flexible, clear bass voice, who gives the character of the Duke of Walter darkness and wickedness.
Klassik begeistert
Ensemble member Sebastian Campione sings the relatively cold Duke of Walter with a profound bass voice.
Online Musik Magazin
This also applies to Sebastian Campione. He doesn't have a black bass voice , but an extraordinary musicality and vocal imagination, turning Conte di Walter into a central character, whenever he appears.
Die deutsche Bühne
Staatsoperette Dresden – Die Hochzeit des Figaro - BARTOLO
Especially in the first act, Sebastian Campione proves he has a powerful voice with both volume and transparency.
Der neue Merker- Christoph Suhre
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Rigoletto - SPARAFUCILE
Bass Sebastian Campione as Sparafucile and mezzosoprano Catriona Morison as Maddalena are in no way inferior to this high level.
Westdeutsche Zeitung
With black depths Sebastian Campione gives Sparafucile diabolic traits.
Online Musik Magazin
Wuppertal Theatre - The Love For Three Oranges - KING and COOK
Sebastian Campione asthe king and the cook has a clear, incisive bass voice.
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar - Die Zauberflöte - SARASTRO
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar - Die Entführung aus dem Serail - OSMIN