Gabriel Wernick

On Stage



From the season 2024/25 the bass baritone is a member of the Plauen Zwickau Theatre’s ensemble. Here, he can be seen in such roles as BARON DUPHOL in ‘La Traviata’, the 1st NAZARENER/ 1st SOLDIER in ‘Salome’, FRANK in ‘Die Fledermaus’, SCHLEHMIL and teh 4 VILLAINS in ‘Hoffmann's Erzählungen’.

In the season 2022/23 Gabriel Wernick had successful guest performances at the Vorarlberg Theatre Bregenz as GUGLIELMO CECILE in Donizetti’s ‘Maria Stuarda’ and at the Hagen Theatre as the Cowboy BELLO in Puccini's ‘La Fanciulla del West’. Afterwards he could be seen in Britten’s Church Opera ‘Curlew River’ as TRAVELLER at the Saxon Theatre.

In the season 2023/24 he had guest performances in Italy singing LEPORELLO in Mozart's ‘Don Giovanni’ at the Teatro Sociale in Trento, at the Saxon Theatre as CIRCUS DIRECTOR in Poulenc’s ‘Les mamelles de Tirésias’ and once more as the TRAVELLER . Besides, he made his debut at the Opera House Kiel as RENÉ MARIA VON TROTHA in the world premiere of Ludger Vollmer’s ‘Buddenbrooks’.

From 2019 to 2021 Gabriel Wernick had a permanent engagement at the Teatro Regio Torino, where he sang such roles as SCIARRONE, DANCAIRO and IL CONTE ROBINSON in ‘Il matrimonio segreto’. Moreover, in the season 2020/21 he succeeded as DULCAMARA at the Teatro Felice Genova. In 2019 he was BELCORE at the Teatro Sociale di Como as well as DR. BARTOLO in ‘Il barbiere di Siviglia’ at the Teatro Dante in Campo Bisenzio.

In Italy, Gabriel studied opera singing at the Conservatorio Luigi Cherubini with Professor Donatella Debolini, finishing his studies with a diploma. At the Conservatory he portrayed such roles as BRUSCHINO IL VECCHIO in ‘Il signor Bruschino’, SIMONE and MARCO in Puccini’s ‘Gianni Schicchi’. Before, Gabriel graduated from Northwestern University Illinois with Professor Theresa Brancaccio with a BM in Vocal Performance and a BA in German Studies. While still studying he could be seen as ROBIN OAKAPPLE in Arthur Sullivan's ‘Ruddigore’, DAVID in Samuel Barber's ‘A Hand of Bridge’ and BASTANIELLO THE ELDER in John Mustos’ ‘Bastianello’.

In 2018 he played PAPAGENO in ‘Die Zauberflöte’ at the Central City Opera Colorado. In this very role he had already made his debut at the Rossini Summer Festival in Wildbad in 2017.
Among the many competitions Gabriel won, the Amber Capital Scholarship, the Bonfils-Staton Apprenticeship and the first Prize in the NATS Midwest Division Competition, which he won 3 times, are particularly worth mentioning..