Christian Sturm

On Stage



In the season 21/22 the Munich tenor Christian Sturm enjoyed great successes in the title role of Wolfgang Mitterer’s opera “Das Tapfere Schneiderlein" at the Zurich Opera House and as TRABUCO in “La Forza del Destino” at the Dessau Theatre, where he had already been very successful as JANEK in “Ves Makropulos”.
In summer 2022 he sang HEINRICH DER SCHREIBER at the Heidenheim Festival. This season portrays this very role at the Teatro Comunale in Modena and the Teatro Reggio Emilia.

In 2019 - before COVID 19 - Christian Sturm started as the 2nd JEW at the Israeli Opera Tel Aviv. In 2019 he also sang this very role at the Leipzig Opera and the YOUNG SERVANT in concert performances of “Elektra” with the HR Symphony Orchestra at the Alte Oper Frankfurt and the Dortmund Concert House. Before, he was very successful as ALFRED in “Die Fledermaus” at the BASF Feierabendhaus Ludwigshafen and as CASSIO in “Otello” at the Columbia Opera Bogota.

Until 2014 the young tenor was engaged at the Wuppertal Theatre, where he knew great successes as BELFIORE in ‘La finta giardiniera’, FENTON, ALMAVIVA, STEUERMANN, ALFRED, ORONTE and many others. He returned here in the seasons 2016/17 and 2017/18 as the 1st TENOR in Steve Reich’s “Three Tales” and in “Aschemond” or Henry Purcell/Helmut Oehring’s “The Fairy Queen” or as LE CHASSEUR and LE FACTEUR here in “Juliette” . In THREE TALES he could also be seen in 2019 at the Erfurt Theatre.

Christian Sturm started his musical career with piano lessons and from 2000 he took up singing studies at the Munich Conservatory for Music and Theatre with Joseph Loibl and Daphne Evangelatos. He studied Lieder singing with Helmut Deutsch and Céline Dutilly, Oratorium with Christian Gerhaher and took master classes with Christoph Prégardien and Toby Spence.

Christian Sturm made his first opera experiences as ACIS with Annette Dasch in Händel’s “Acis & Galatea” at the Pergamon-Altar in Berlin. As a member of the Bavarian Theatre Academy August Everding he regularly performed in numerous productions at the Prinzregententheater in Munich e.g. in Henry Purcell’s “King Arthur” (produced by Claus Guth), in Axel Köhler’s production of Händel’s “Rodrigo” (GIULIANO) and Britten’s “A Midsummer Night‘s Dream” (LYSANDER). He portrayed AENEAS in Alexander Nerlich’s interpretation of Cavalli’s “La Didone”, BELFIORE in Christian Pöppelreiter’s production “La Finta Giardiniera” and sang AENEAS in Purcell’s “Dido & Aeneas”.

In 2017 he portrayed the role of PETER in a WDR (Western German Broadcasting) production of Offenbach’s operetta “Die Zaubergeige” . He had guest performances as NERO in Händel’s “Agrippina” at the Munich Cuvilliés Theatre and as ANDREA COCLÉ in Korngold’s “Stumme Serenade” at the Coburg Theatre. The versatile tenor could be seen a.o. as 1st JEW in “Salome” and the GREAT DUKE in “Katharina die Grosse” at the Mannheim National Theatre, as ALFRED in concertant performances of the Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra and as NORONE in productions at the Munich Cuvilliés Theratre and the Winthertur Theatre in Switzerland.

Since 2009 he is a regular guest at the Richard Wagner Festival in Wels (Austria), first as ESQUIRE in “Parsifal”, in 2010 and 2011 as the SHEPHERD and the SAILOR in “Tristan und Isolde”, in 2014 as the STEERSMAN in “Der Fliegende Holländer” and WALTHER VON DER VOGELWEIDE in “Tannhäuser” and in 2015 again STEERSMAN and WALTHER.
In 2016 he was the STEERSMAN in “Der Fliegende Holländer” at the Festival ‘Oper auf der Halde’.

As TAMINO in “Die Zauberflöte für Kinder” he made his debut at the Rhine Opera Düsseldorf-Duisburg. In 2012 he was MONOSTATOS here in “Die Zauberflöte”. At the Wiesbaden State Theatre and the Dortmund Theatre he portrayed NERONE in Monteverdi’s “L’incoronazione di Poppea”. Moreover, guest performances brought him as TAMINO to the State Theatre at the Gärtnerplatz (Munich), to the Koblenz Opera House (King Arthur, Das Rheingold, Die Fledermaus), to the Munich State Theatre (Die stumme Serenade), the Liederhalle Stuttgart (The Little Prince), to the Richard Strauss Festival (IDAMANTES in Idomeneo), the Graz Opera House (Figaro), the Händel Festival Karlsruhe (Alarico) and the International Opera Festival St. Margarethen (Carmen).

Christian Sturm is also a very much sought-after concert soloist. His repertoire includes not only Bach’s Passions, but also works from Händel, Mozart, Haydn, Mendelssohn and Britten. He participated in a WDR production (Western German Broadcasting) of Kalman’s ‘Bajadere’ under the musical direction of Richard Bonynge.

In the season 2019/20 he portrayed JANEK in “Vec Makropulos” at the Anhaltische Theater Dessau and was immediately reengaged here as TRABUCO in “La Forza del Destino” in 2021/22.


Britten, Benjamin A Midsummer Night’s Dream Lysander
Cavalli, Francesco Didone Aeneas
Händel, G.F. Acis und Galatea Acis
  Alarico il Balta Alarico
  Rodrigo Giuliano
  Giulio Cesare Sesto
Korngold, Erich Die stumme Serenade Cocle
Mozart, W.A. Die Zauberflöte Tamino
  Idomeneo Idamante
  La Finta Giardiniera Belfiore
Puccini, Giacomo Madama Butterfly Pinkerton
Purcell, Henry Dido and Aeneas Aeneas
  King Arthur  
Schapfl, Nikolaus Der kleine Prinz Fuchs
Strauss, Johann Die Fledermaus Alfred
Veddi, Giuseppe La Traviata Alfredo Germont
Wagner, Richard Das Rheingold Froh
Anhaltisches Theater Dessau – König Rogers - EDRISI
…vocally Christian Sturm as the king’s counsellor with homo-erotic nuances is beneficial calming influence.
Opernwelt 4/2024 - Werner Kopfmüller
Christian Sturm turns Edrisi, the Arabic scientist at the Sicilian court, into a cautious companion of the king.
Zwischen Zwängen und Freiheit / PDF
The Arabian savant Edrisi, is nobly performed by the baritone Christian Sturm.
Der Opernfreund
Christian Sturm is the moderate, harmonious Arabian savant Edrisi at the king’s side on his trip to self-discovery.
Against the tradition the tenor Christian Sturm is an Edrisi with an almost heroic tenor voice, who grows from stooge to a substantial opponent of Roger. At times, he even excels the charismatic shepherd.
Opernhaus Wuppertal – Julietta – KOMMISSAR/BEAMTER
With secure high notes and a clear diction Christian Sturm sang the police inspector in the first act and the officer in the third act.
Online Musik Magazin
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Alcina - ORONTE
'Christian Sturm sings Oronte with a flexible tenor voice.'
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Die Ägyptische Maria - MATROSE/AUSSÄTZIGER
'Vocally particularly outstanding were ... and the young tenor Christian Sturm as the Sailor and the leper.'
Der neue Merker
Richard Wagner Festival Wels - Tannhäuser - WALTHER VON DER VOGELWEIDE
'Outstanding also the other toubadours: Christian Sturm als Walther von der Vogelweide with his secure, clear tenor voice...'
Der neue Merker
Cuvilliés Theater München – l’Incarnazione di Poppea – NERONE
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Alcina - ORONTE
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Il Barbieri di Siviglia - ALMAVIVA
Wuppertaler Bühnen - Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe - BELFIORE