Luke Sinclair

On Stage



Luke Sinclair is a member of the Salzburger Landestheater ensemble, where he can be seen in such roles as FAUST (Gounod), MACDUFF in “Macbeth”, PRINCE CHARMING in Alma Deutscher’s “Cinderella”, KAPITÄN STONE in “Die Blume von Hawaii” , TAMINO in “Die Zauberflöte”, DON JOSE in “Carmen” and SINGER in “Der Rosenkavalier” or EISENSTEIN in “Die Fledermaus”.
In the season 2023/24 he portrays EISENSTEIN in “Die Fledermaus”, the title role in “Lucio Silla”, NADIR in "Die Perlenfischer" and VASCO in Stuart MacRae’s “Anthropocene”.

Before, he was engaged at the Ulm Theatre. Here he sang DUCA in “Rigoletto”, LE PRINCE CHARMANT in “Cendrillon”, JAQUINO in “Fidelio”, den STEUERMANN in “Der Fliegende Holländer”, ARTURO in “Lucia di Lammermoor”.

Besides, he was ZAMORO and the HIGH PRIEST in “Idomeneo” and MALCOLM in “Macbeth” at the Buxton International Festival, the title role in the British premiere of Gounod’s POLYEUCTE at the UC Opera, KULI in “Der Kreidekreis” at the Opéra National de Lyon, MEPHISTOPHELES in “The Fiery Angel” and ALFREDO in “La Traviata” at the Scottish Opera, the NAMELESS SINGER in the British premiere of Hans Gál’s “Das Lied der Nacht” in Edinburgh, GERALD in “Lakmé” at the Swansea City Opera, RODOLFO in “La Bohème” in Dresden, Glasgow and Edinburgh, the CHEVALIER DE LA FORCE in “Les Dialogues des Carmélites” at the Schottish Ballett and HERODES in Strauss’ “Salome” in a concert performance at the Theatre Le Bâtiment des Forces motrices in Geneva..

The London-born tenor made his musical studies at the Alexander Gibson Opera School in the Royal Scottish Conservatory, where he was teached by Scott Johnson. In the season 2017/18 he was a member of the Opéra National de Lyon opera studio.

Luke is prize winner of the International Singing Competition Rheinsberg and sang the main tenor role JULIAN in the world premiere of Marc Aurel-Floro’s “Adriana” at the International Opera Festival Rheinsberg. His performance was highly praised in the international Press.
The tenor is scholarship holder of the Bayreuth Festival and sang in a Master Class with the renowned Wagner bass singer Günther Groissböck.

Moreover, Luke Sinclair is a very much sought after oratoria and concert singer. He sang a hailed version of Hans Zender’s “Winterreise” at the Ulm Theatre, Elgar’s “The Dream of Gerontius” with the orchestra of the der Scottish Opera, Verdi’s “Requiem” at the Dartington Festival, Mahler’s “Das Lied von der Erde”, Elgar’s “The Apostles” at the Edinburgh Festival, Puccini’s “Messa di Gloria”, Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with the Aberdeen Symphony Orchestra, Rossini’s “Stabat Mater” , Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” and Händel’s “Messiah”.


Landestheater Salzburg - Lucio Silla - LUCIO SILLA
With his stout, yet lyrically appealing tenor voice Luke Sinclair plays a handsome young tyrant, who combines dangerousness with charisma.
Der neue Merker, 02/2024 Gottfried Franz Kasparek
Landestheater Salzburg - Die Fledermaus - EISENSTEIN
As the wonderfully narcissistic Eisenstein, Luke Sinclair is ideally cast, delivering vocally, but also acting. He has his dear need not only with Rosalinde, the wife of the gods, but also with the entire ensemble of singers with the red velvet curtain, which they eagerly use to play hide-and-seek – sometimes a head, sometimes a little leg peeks out or disappears. Little effort, a lot of laughter. It's almost completely possible without a stage set, so you know how.
Kirsten Benekam, PNP.de
In order to stay on the credit side, singing is generally good. Luke Sinclair is a tenorally radiant, trilingual Eisenstein, who, like the sovereign George Humphreys, who brilliantly sings his little brother song George Humphreys as Dr. Falke, is obviously very Anglophile and is allowed to use his mother tongue in between.
Gottfried Franz Kasparek, Drehpunkt Kultur
Especially the singers! ….from their first duet, George Humphreys as Dr. Falke and Luke Sinclair as Eisenstein impress.
Salzburger Nachrichten, Hedwig Kainberger
Landestheater Salzburg - Faust - FAUST
Dressed in a gaudy late-baroque outfit, LUKE SINCLAIR has to climb the biggest ball, from where he sings his part, being shot during the second strophe.
OPERNGLAS 11/2022, H.C. Mayer
With his strong voice Luke Sinclair made the best out of his little cameo role as the singer in the first act.
Landestheater Salzburg - Faust - FAUST
In the title role, as Faust, the young English tenor Luke Sinclair conquered the audience with an unpretentious appearance, great musicality, round baritonal middle range and uninterrupted, subtly metallic and indeed radiant heights.
Gottfried Franz Kasparek Drehpunktkultur
Luke Sinclair as the beautiful and baritonally timbred title hero can be heard with soft lyricism, fine phrasing and effortless highs.
Dr. Helmut Christian Mayer – Opera Online
UC Opera - Polyeucte - POLEUCETE
Polyeucte is a role that lies in Brian Hymel territory and Luke Sinclair impressively met its demands for both lyricism and fearlessly pinging top notes.
Opera Magazine – Yehudo Shapiro
Opera Scotland - Les Mamelles de Tirésias – LE MARI
Luke Sinclair scored something of a triumph. He sang beautifully from start to finish, acted with style, had no problems with his French diction - including some treacherous snatches of dialogue - and looked cheerfully grotesque in drag.
Opera Scottland
Swansea City Opera - Lakmé - GERALD
As Gérald, Sinclair’s rounded tenor is first class, outstandingly so in his solo arias and duets with Barbu (Lakmé).
Barbara Michaels, Opera & Classical Review, Wales
There are first-class vocal performances in the three key parts...Luke Sinclair's Gerald is splendidly forthright dramatically as well as vocally.
Ron Simpson, The Reviews Hub
Luke Sinclair as Gerald gave a convincing portrayal of a man smitten by love and torn by duty. His strong and accurate singing throughout aptly portrayed his anguish and his love.
Jonathan Denny, The Keswick Reminder
Buxton Festival - POLYEUCTE
'Polyeucte is a role that lies in Brian Hymel territory. Luke Sinclair, who is currently a member of the studio at the Opéra National de Lyon, impressively met its demands for both lyricism and fearlessly pinging top notes.'
Yehuda Shapiro, Opera Magazine
Scottish Opera – The Fiery Angel MEPHISTHOPELES
"Mephistopheles, wonderfully sung by Luke Sinclair"
Catriona Graham, The Opera Critic
"Luke Sinclair made a very strong impression, relishing a frighteningly comic or comically frightening reading of Mephistopheles. He sang strongly and had great fun on his return from supposedly eating the waiter, gleefully licking the silver salver as though Salome were being played for laughs."
Opera Scotland
"An oily, sly Mephistopheles from Luke Sinclair."
David Kettle, The Daily Telegraph
"As welcome light relief, Luke Sinclair’s playful Mephistopheles, in a grey suit with scarlet tie and socks, wandered in for a drink playing cannibalistic games with a boy, Sinclair slyly grinning as he licked up the last remains on a meat tray with enthusiastic relish."
David Smythe, Bachtrack
Swansea City Opera - Macbeth - MALCOLM
"The impressive Luke Sinclair whose warm tone is ideal for the noble Malcolm"
Hervé König, Anaclase (French)
"Luke Sinclair is a ringingly heroic Malcolm"
Mike Wheeler, Music and Vision Magazine
"Having Malcolm in full battle regalia singing from a balcony box high up in the Opera House auditorium was a production whim that came off.....Luke Sinclair made a splendid Malcolm in his ‘bird nest’!"
Bernard Lee, Bernard Lee Music
"Luke Sinclair’s portrayal of a noble Malcolm at the end came over beautifully from a box high up on one side of the auditorium."
Mark Ronan
"It was an imaginative idea to have Luke Sinclair's Malcolm sung from a box and he gave a strong performance"
Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill
New Sussex Opera - Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe - SALI
"Sinclair is quite a find, a young tenor who combines a commandingly tall physique with an admirably secure tenor voice. His voice is also rather robust which brought a sense of vigour and action to Delius' vocal line......Sinclair gave us strong personality, commitment and a fine sense of energy and stamina (it is a pretty big sing)."
Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill
"The endearing Luke Sinclair makes a healthy sound as Sali-Romeo" Rupert Christiansen"
The Telegraph
"Tenor Luke Sinclair was buoyant and managed the high tessitura well, conveying Sali’s irrepressible impetuousness"
Claire Seymour, Opera Today
"As Sali, Luke Sinclair's ardour had a Pelleas-like directness. There is an edge and mobility to his tenor that would work well in Janacek, and he looked suitably innocent."
Peter Reed, Opera Magazine
"Luke Sinclair sings Sali with a sense of style and frequent lyrical beauty"
Brian Hick , Lark Reviews
"Tenor Luke Sinclair gave a sympathetic performance as Sali"
Alan Sanders , Seen and Heard International
Swansea City Opera - Lakmé - GERALD
"As Gérald, Sinclair’s rounded tenor is first class, outstandingly so in his solo arias and duets with Barbu (Lakmé)."
Barbara Michaels, Opera and Classical Review, Wales
"There are first-class vocal performances in the three key parts...Luke Sinclair's Gerald is splendidly forthright dramatically as well as vocally."
Ron Simpson, The Reviews Hub
"Luke Sinclair as Gerald gave a convincing portrayal of a man smitten by love and torn by duty. His strong and accurate singing throughout aptly portrayed his anguish and his love."
Jonathan Denny, The Keswick Reminder
Theater Ulm – Fidelio – JAQUINO
(Photo: Jochen Klenk)