Johannes Schwärsky

On Stage



Lately impressed at the Stages Krefedl/Mönchengladbach with the title part in Versi’s NABUCCO:

Johannes Schwärsky is a title hero like in a picture book. With his voice and his body, he convincingly portrays the overwhelming, ruler, who gets punished for his hybris – here with a stroke – though recovers in the end.. In spite of the entire brutal disorientation, Schwärky still sings his character with a great, sympathetic aura. And his baritone voice sounds resonant and beautiful.
Die deutsche Bühne

Johannes Schwärsky can regularly be seen at the Stages Krefeld/Mönchengladbach. Here, he sings the title parts in BORIS GODUNOW and RIGOLETTO, as well as JOHANAAN in Strauss‘ „Salome“, STANKAR in Verdi‘s „Stiffelio“, RENATO in „Ballo in Maschera“, the 4 VILAINS in “Hoffmann’s Erzählungen”, PETER BESENBINDER in “Hänsel und Gretel” and TELRAMUND in “Lohengrin”. Besides, he made his specular role debut here in the title role of Tschaikowsky’s MAZEPPA:

Above all the guest singer Johannes Schwärsky, gave all as Mazeppa not only vocally but also as an actor. One has seldom seen such an impressive performance in Krefeld.
Der Neue Merker

Under the musical direction of Helmuth Rilling Johannes Schwärsky portrayed PIZARRO together with Jonas Kaufmann on the occasion of a semi-scenic production of the Bach Academy and ESCAMILLO at the Teatro Municipal de Valparaiso (Chile). In the world premiere of a modern version of „Die Entführung aus dem Serail“ he sang OSMIN under the conduction of Sylvain Cambreling. He debuted as MUSTAFA in Rossini‘s „L’Italiana in Algeri“ at the Summer Opera in Selzach / Solothurn (Switzerland). In a concertant performance of Tosca he sang with Angela Gheorghiu and Placido Domingo at the Innsbruck Theatre. In Andreas Dresen’s production he was MASETTO at the Basle Theatre.

At the Münster Theatre he portrayed GIORGIO GERMONT, WAARLAM in „Boris Godunow“, the ATHLET and the TAMER in Berg’s „Lulu“ and the title part in DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER.
He also sang the FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER with huge success with the Beograd Philharmonic Orchestra under Muhai Tang, as well as in a guest appearance of the Brno National Theatre in Spain.

As PÈRE LAURENCE in Berlioz‘ „Roméo et Juliette“, an das the 4 VILAINS in „Hoffmanns Erzählungen“ he could be seen at the Gießen City Theatre. At the Berlin Concert House he sang the bass soloist part in the Verdi Requiem. At the Flensburg City Theatre he succeeded in Ferrucio Busoni’s opera as DOCTOR FAUSTUS, one of the hugest bass parts ever.

His repertoire also includes the roles NABUCCO, RIGOLETTO, GIANNI SCHICCHI, FALSTAFF, JOCHANAAN, WOLFRAM, DON GIOVANNI, and OCHS VON LERCHENAU. He has sung these roles at the opera houses of Frankfurt, Wuppertal, Schwerin, Darmstadt, Kassel, Bad Hersfeld, Stuttgart, Bremen and Oldenburg. Since 2001 he regularly performs with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Nations under the musical direction of Justus Frantz.

Before absolving his singing studies with KS Kurt Moll and Lisa Hagenau at the Hanns-Eisler-Music Conservatory, Johannes Schwärsky he made a carpentry apprenticeship at the Berlin Theatre, where he constructed stage sets and requisits. Later, he became a member of the Comic Opera Berlin opera studio. Johannes Schwärsky waa a Prize Winner at the International Alexander Girardi Contest and a finalist at the I cestelli Contest in Dresden.

At the Osnabrück Theatre he performed an outstanding PROMETHEUS in Walter Braunfels‘ „Die Vögel“. At the Eutin Festival he impressed as AMONASRO and at the Oldenburg State Theatre he was FALSTAFF. Recently, he also made his successful debut here as ALBERICH in „Das Rheingold”.

In 2021 he is SCARPIA in “Tosca” at the Sonderhausen Festival and in 2022 he portrays TELRAMUND at the Darmstadt State Theatre.


Schlossfestspiele Sondershausen – Tosca - SCARPIA
"The surprise of the evening is Johannes Schwärsky in the role of Scarpia. He not only convinces with his enormous vocal volume, which he spotlessly presents on stage both in the high and the low tones."
Harz Kurier
Staatstheater Oldenburg - Das Rheingold - ALBERICH
Among the soloists Johannes Schwärsky is particularly worth mentioning. Due to his suggestive presentation of Alberich combined with powerful and impressive singing, he became the main figure of the opera.
ORPHEUS, Mai/Juni 2017 - Wolfgang Denker
Among the soloists Johannes Schwärsky as Alberich is particularly worth mentioning. He succeeded in making Alberich into the main character of the opera. His tremendously present and suggestive interpretation of the role in combination with his powerful and impressive singing was utterly thrilling.
Der Opernfreund
There were some great vocal performances, which are worth a journey: guest singer Johannes Schwärsky,an intense and demonic Alberich...
Eutin Festival - Aida - AMONASRO
In spite of his wild hairsdtyle Johannes Schwärsky was a powerful Amonasro with a distinctive and expressive baritone voice, forming some beautiful cantilenas in duet with Aida.
Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach - Ballo in maschera - RENATO
'... with Johannes Schwärsky a almost world-class cast of Renato.'
'One would never have noticed that in the ensemble there is a worldclass Verdi baritone. On this very evening, Johannes Schwärsky succeeded in everything: the dramatically stoked up ‚Eri tu‘ well and truly swept the audience into exuberance and his fine legato lines in ‚O dolcezze perdute‘ showed the style-conscious belcanto-singer.'.
Opernglas 11/2015 H.Walter
' Johannes Schwärsky as Renato, marvellously utilizes his baritone, both in terms of vocal power and comprehensibility .'
Osnabruck Theatre - The Birds - PROMETHEUS
'Johannes Schwärsky, in Münster already hailed as the Flying Dutchman and apart from that, also quite Wagner-suspicious, as Prometheus was the major event of the evening, that really got under one's skin, not only vocally but also his performance even when he is mistreated by the mystical fate. A great voice, a great talent!'
Der neue Merker, Klaus Billand
'a turely high performance came from Johannes Schwärsky with his powerful bass as Prometheus: a deep black, averting presence, his body blood soaked, his voice imbued with grief, he warns against war.'

Die deutsche Bühne


‚...the staggeringly imperious Johannes Schwärsky in the role of Prometheus,...’

NMZ Online


'But first, Prometheus appears to warn against war and to call for a change. Johannes Schwärsky is a sonorous, fantastic Prometheus. Musically, he clearly resembles the big brother of Jochanaan from Strauss’ Salome.'
Mönchengladbach Theatre - Stiffelio - STANKAR
'Another musical highlight is the entrance of Johannes Schwarsky as Stankar at the beginning of the third act. When Lina's father intends to commit suicide, because he was deprived of his revenge on Raffaele, Schwärsky's great aria reminds at Rigolettos pain, as his daughter Gilda was ravished. Schwärsky shines with a great baritone and dramatic expression.'
Online Musik Magazine
Staatstheater Oldenburg - Das Rheingold - ALBERICH
Staatstheater Oldenburg - Das Rheingold - ALBERICH
Eutin Festival - Aida - AMONASRO
Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach - Ballo in maschera - RENATO
Theater Osnabrück - Die Vögel - PROMETHEUS
Städtische Bühnen Münster - Der Fliegende Holländer - HOLLÄNDER
Opernhaus Regensburg - FALSTAFF
Vereinigten Bühnen Krefeld / Mönchengladbach - MAZEPPA