Timo Schabel

On Stage



Since the season 2019/20 Timo Schabel is a member of the Dresden State Operetta ensemble, where he portrays such roles as TAMINO in 'Die Zauberflöte', ROSILLON in 'Die lustige Witwe', PYGMALION in 'Die schöne Galathee' and GHERARDO in 'Gianni Schicchi', ALFRED in ‘Die Fledemuas or FENTON in ‘Die Lustige Weiber von Windsor’.

In the season 2021/22 he was ROSILLON also at the Cottbus State Theatre. In 2021/22 and 2022/23 he sangthe MIME in ‘Rheingold’ at the Oldenburg State Theatre.
In the season 23/24 Timo Schabel maked his debut at the Komischen Oper Berlin as SMIRRE in the world premiere of ‘Nils Holgersson’.

Timo Schabel had his first permanent engagement in the season 2016/17 at the Oldenburg State Theatre. Here, he could be seen in such roles as CAMILLE DE ROSILLON in Lehár's 'Die Lustige Witwe', PEDRILLO in Mozart's 'Die Entführung aus dem Serail', REMENDADO in Bizet's 'Carmen', TOBIAS RAGG in 'Sweeney Todd' and as ERIK in Foroni's 'Christina Regina di Svezia'. In spring 2017 the young tenor enjoyed huge success as als MIME in Carl Maria von Weber's OBERON.
In 2020 Timo Schabel returns to the Oldenburg State Theatre as MIME in 'Das Rheingold'.

In 2015 the artist portrayed TAMINO in Mozart's 'Die Zauberflöte' at the Bamberg Summer Opera. He had already known a huge success in this very role in March 2013 at the Eastern Festival of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. In the same year, he also succeeded as TAMINO in 'Die Zauberflöte' for Children at the Baden-Baden Festival House. In summer of this very year he made his debut at the Bamberg Summer Opera as DON ANCHISE (Podestà) in Mozart's 'La finta giardiniera'.

In May 2012, while still studying, Timo Schabel made his debut as BASTIEN in Mozart's 'Bastien und Bastienne' at the Schwetzinger Festival of the SWR , bevor he was one of the three voices in the world premiere of Lucia Ronchetti's opera 'Neumond' at the Mannheim National Theatre in summer of the same year.

From 2009 to 2015 Timo Schabel studied opera singing with Alejandro Ramirez at the Mannheim State Conservatory and completed his studies with a degree and his »Master of music« . The tenor attended master classes with the conductor Ton Koopman, the German tenor Oly Pfaff, the chamber singer Angelika Kirchschlager and with Juan Diego Flórez.

Besides, the young singer is a much sought-after concert soloist. His repertoire includes Bach's Evangelists in Passions, Cantatas and Oratorios but also Händel's 'Judas Maccabäus' and 'The Messiah', Mozart's 'Requiem', Haydn's 'Die Schöpfung' and Mendelssohn's 'Paulus' or the 'Petite messe solennelle' by Rossini.


Staatstheater Oldenburg – Die Entführung aus dem Serail - PEDRILLO
Timo Schabel (Pedrillo) with clear, sprinkling high notes (...).
Staatstheater Oldenburg - Liederabend
Apart from two wonderful Lieder by Richard Strauss and a Spanish Lieder cycle, Timo Schabel also gave an equally expressive and intimate interpretation of „Dichterliebe“... he turned it into a captivating performance, not only because of his beautiful tenor voice... He kept close to the text without ever blurring the drama of the story. Above all, he was an eloquent advocate for all the subtle, emotional nuances, that seem to give a poetic sense to the whole in the first place.
The tenor Timo Schabel clearly articulated these art songs, which were ment to be German folksongs, singing them with warmth and when necessary with emphasis. “O liebliche Wangen“ (...) sounded simply magnificent, fresh, emotional and captivating.
Staatstheater Oldenburg – Lucia di Lammermoor – NORMANNO
Also ... Timo Schabel (Normanno) develops his own brilliance.
Schuberts Dichterliebe
His interpretation was closely adjusted to the text. He is an eloquent exponent of subtle, emotional ovetones , taht are needed to reveal the poetic meaning of the whole.A great performance!
Staatsoperette Dresden - Die Fledermaus - ALFRED
Theater Oldenburg - Orpheus - ORPHEUS
Theater Bamberg - Zauberflöte - TAMINO
Theater Bamberg - Zauberflöte - TAMINO
Sweeney Todd - TOBIAS RAGG
Sweeney Todd - TOBIAS RAGG