Angelos Samartzis

On Stage



Guest performances took Angelos Samartzis recently as WERTHER to the Jyske Opera in Denmark, as FAUST to the Opera in Perm and to the Tallinn National Opera, as DES GRIEUX in ‘Manon Lescaut’ to Taiwan and as MANRICO in the new production ‘Il Trovatore’ to the Nuremberg State Opera.

In the season 2017/18 ANGELOS SAMARTZIS was a member of the Saarbrücken State Theatre’ s ensemble. Here, he succeeded in such roles as RODOLFO, FAUST, JASON in ‘Medée’, ALFREDO in ‘La Traviata’, ISMAILE in ‘Nabucco’ and DON CARLO, BACCHUS in ‘Ariadne auf Naxos’, CALAF in ‘Turandot’ and RADAMES in 'Aida' here.

In summer 2018 he made a huge impression as DON JOSÉ in ‘Carmen’ at the Braunschweig Festival and regularly returns here in various roles.
In 2017 he made his successful debut as RODOLFO at the Athens National Opera.

In 2022/23 he made his debut as DICK JOHNSON in ‘La Fanciulla del West’ at the Hagen Theatre and sang FROH in ‘Das Rheingold’ and DON JOSÉ in ‘Carmen’ at the Saarbrücken State Opera.

In 2019/20 he sang for the first time RICARDO in ‘Un ballo in maschera’ at the Eutin Festival and performed this very role also at the Halle Opera House. Moreover, he succeeded in an opera gala concert at the Bolshoi Theater Minsk.
In summer 2018 he impressed as DON JOSÉ in ‘Carmen’ at the Festival in Braunschweig and returned to the Braunschweig State Theatre as RODOLFO in the season 2018/19.

He studied singing and music at the Athens Conservatory and Law at the Athens University.
He graduated in opera music at the Karlsruhe Music Conservatory with Stephan Kohlenberg and Julia Várady and completed his musical studies with a master degree at the Music Academy Hanns Eisler Berlin with Stephan Rügamer and Julia Várady.

The singer attended master classes with Jane Henschel, Cheryl Studer, Robert Dean Smith, Marlis Petersen, Donald Litaker, David Jones and Brian Zeger.

In 2007 he made his debut at the Greek National Opera as RAMIRO in Rossini’s ‘La Cenerentola’.
Angelos Samartzis already sang such parts as HOFFMANN (The Tales of Hoffmann/ J.Offenbach), GIRAFFIER (Lesa deux aveugles / J. Offenbach), LACOUF (Les mamelles de Tiresias / F.Poulenc) as well as ALWA and MALER in a concert performance of Alban Berg’s ‘ Lulu’.
At the Rheinsberg Castle Chamber Orchestra’s Festival the tenor performed CARAVADOSSI (Tosca/Puccini).

In 2016 he took part in the world premiere of the opera ‘Das schwarze Wasser'’ at the Neukölln Opera Berlin and enchanted the audience in the mega opera event ‘The Spanish Night with Carmen – Zarzuela Show’. In January 2017 he made his debut as NARRABOTH in ‘Salome’ at the Theatre Nordhausen.

Angelos Samartzis regularly appears in concerts and opera galas with such orchestras as the Brandenburg State Orchestra Frankfurt, Thüringen Philharmonic Orchestra Gotha, the Brandenburg Symphonic Orchestra, or the Polish State Philharmonic Orchestra Tschenstochau.

In 2024 he was invited to sing CALAF in ‘Turandot’ at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and as Cover for the Tour of the Royal Opera London Covent Garden with Mo. Pappano in Tokyo.

In 2025 he makes his USA debut as CALAF at the Kansas City Opera.


Theater Hagen – La fanciulla del West – DICK JOHNSON
…the tenor Angelos Samartzis with powerful, brilliant heights...
Das Opernglas 2/2023 M. Lode-Gerke
Angelos Samartzis sings the stranger with a huge, nobly brilliant tenor voice, effortlessly drowning the orchestra but yet presenting lyrical moments in the right places.
Impressing ....and Angelos Samartzis as the predacious stranger with a magnificent, powerful tenor voice – a trio , who trashes out its emotional boundaries without crossing them
Staatstheater Saarbrücken - Turandot - CALAF
Altough suffering from a severe cold, the Calaf tenor Samartzis appears on stage and despite his hampered condition he doesn’t just persistently copes with each full-bodied orchestra tutti. No, in addition, he has a beautiful voice, which he pridly and warmly presents us.
Opernwelt 4/22 , Arno Lücker
Vocally the role of Price Calaf, portrayed and sung by Angelos Samarzis, was the highlight of the performance.
OPUS Kulturmagazin, 06. Februar 2022, Friedrich Spangemacher
Particularly worth mentioning is Angelos Samartzis as CALAF, who with tenoral glaze and amazing stage presence manages to make the opera world stand still with his „Nessun dorma“.
OPRHEUS 02/22 , Kirsten Benekam
Staatstheater Nürnberg – Il Trovatore - MANRICO
…and the fact that Manrico has to reassemble the Punch and Judy show while he is singing ‚Di quella pira‘, verges on pure singer harassment. Angelos Samartzis truly didn’t deserve this, all the more because he convinces with extremely enthralling Italianità, in spite of him suffering from a cold. His high peaks are brilliantly secure, integrated in exceptionally beautifully formed lines , full of inner energy. The troubadour simply needs such singer instinct…
Michael Stallknecht, Opernwelt 1/22
One could hardly notice from Angelos Samartzis‘ ( as Manrico) beautiful tenor voice, which was effortlessly effective in the heights, that he was still in poor health, although his voice wasn’t exactly smoothly lead.
Süddeutsche Zeitung
And then there is the title figure, a parade role for every tenor. Although Angelos Samartzis was announced before the performance as being indisposed by artistic director Jens-Daniel Herzog, one could hardly notice it. On the contrary. He has a powerful, strinkingly wilful and also beautiful voice.
BR Klassik
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Ariadne auf Naxos - BACCHUS
…and wouldn’t have flashed without the fantastic singers, ...; the pleasantly tenorally cheeks blowing Angelos Samartzis as Bacchus…
Götz Tieme, Opernwelt 11/21
Very impressive Angelos Samartzis as Bacchus.
Friedrich Spangemacher – Opus
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Il Trovatore - MANRICO
…Angelos Samartzis plays a fabulous Manrico: The voice of the young, Athens-born tenor is secure in the high registers and makes the figure of Manrico somewhat lyrical and youthfully fresh.
Das Opernglas, 1ß/2020 K.Scharffenberger
Angelos Samartzis is a tough Manrico, who chilly and nonchalantly faces his part but without fear, which provokes a not at all uninteresting contrast with the scenic somberness. Right from his first appearance with ‘Deserto sulla terra’ he displays self-confidence but is nevertheless appropriately lyrical. Considering his overall performance, some rudenesses, including the uninhibitedly dashed ‘Di quella pria’ are gladly forgiven.
OPER! Oktober 2020
Angelos Samartzis approaches the role in accordance with this interpretation: like a daring nature boy he throws himself into the demanding score, fearlessly facing the high notes, which he sings effortlessly, as if they were just lying there at the roadside. Besides he stands out for his soft timbre, which transports enormous emotions.
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Don Carlo - DON CARLO
"But of course the main vocal burden falls on Angelos Samartzis, who succeeds in singing the difficult title part with secure heights and a rich middle register."
OPERNWELT 3/20 – Uwe Schweikert
Staatstheater Braunschweig – La Bohème - RODOLFO
"Already the first tones of Angelos Samartzis with their metallic timbre remind of the young Luciano Pavarotti. During the whole evening, the young Greek sings nuancedly and sensitively shows various facets of Rodolfo, who is often portrayed rather one dimensional."
Der Opernfreund
Opernhaus Halle – Un ballo in maschera - GUSTAVO
"(...). Guest singer was the tenor Angelos Samartzis in the role of Gustavo. It is a real pleasure to hear the Greek’s dashing carefreeness. He doesn’t only play with his arms wide open - he also sings like that, so to speak (…)"
Staatsoper Saarbrücken – Medea - JASON
"Angelos Samartzis is a strong voiced Jason Jason."
Jesper Klein, 24.01.19, Frankfurter Allgemeine
"If Angelos Samartzis wouldn’t sing the part with such an elegant, deeply moving tenor voice, one had not have great sympathy for the character."
Oliver Schwambach, 20.01.19, Saarbrücker Zeitung
"But every time the waves inside Medea seem to have been calmed down , Jason (Angelos Samartzis) with his brightly flaring, almost ambarrasly healthy tenor voice appears on scene, a dazzling light in the longed-for darkness."
Andreas Falentin, 19.01.19, Die Deutsche Bühne
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – La Traviata - ALFREDO
… which brings you to your knees. And that is exactly what Angelos Samartzis as Alfrede Germont is doing, as he declares his love for her with a brilliant tenor voice („Un di felice, eterea): A real dream couple, vocally secure even in the highest registers.
Saarbrückener Zeitung
Saarländisches Staatstheater – Nabucco - ISMAELE
Angelos Samartzis as vivacious Ismaele combines lyrical melodiousness and the brilliance of a heroic tenor,...
Die Rheinpfalz
Nationaloper Athen - La Bohème - RODOLFO
"Vocally, the best impression was made by Angelos Samartzis as Rodolfo. His voice convinces with round, brilliant tones and secure high notes…The audience gave a big applause with bravos for Angelos Samartzis."
Ingo Starz, 27.12.17, Online Merker
"A real revelation in a field that urgently needs new blood was the tenor Angelos Samartzis, who embodied with generous singing and solid acting a plethoric Rodolfo."
Eftychios D. Horiatakis, 04.01.18
Theater Nordhausen - Luisa Fernanda – JAVIER
"An enirely good ensemble with an outstanding Angelos Samartzis as Javier. The young Greek, who changed this season to the Saarbrücken State Theatre and who could be seen recently at the Atherns State Opera, has the potential to become a star. With brilliant professionalism he sang the part of Javier and meanwhile has become much more stable in his passionate voice leading."
Wolfgang Hirsch, 08.01.18, Thüringer Allgemeine
Saarländisches Staatstheater – La Bohème – RODOLFO
"Vocally Angelos Samartzis as Rodolfo made the best impression. His voice convinced with round, brilliant tones and secure high notes."
Online Merker
"The Greek tenor Angelos Samartzis made his debut at the State Theatre in the huge role of Rodolfo. One can’t but congratulate the artistic director to this new ensemble member. With his extremely powerful and expressive voice Samartzis succeeded in making Rodolfo’s entire passion palpable: longing for love and pain, dedication and desperation. … He was just fabulous in the role."
Opus Kulturmagazin
Theater Hagen - La fanciulla del West - Dick Johnson
©Theater Hagen
Theater Hagen - La fanciulla del West - Dick Johnson
©Theater Hagen
Theater Hagen - La fanciulla del West - Dick Johnson
©Theater Hagen
Saarländisches Staatstheater – Don Carlos - DON CARLOS
Photo: Astrid Karger
Saarländisches Staatstheater – Don Carlos - DON CARLOS
Photo: Astrid Karger
Saarländisches Staatstheater – Don Carlos - DON CARLOS
Photo: Astrid Karger
Bühnen Halle – Un ballo in maschera - GUSTAVO
Bühnen Halle – Un ballo in maschera - GUSTAVO
Bühnen Halle – Un ballo in maschera - GUSTAVO
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Nabucco - ISMAELE
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Medée – JASON
Photo: Staatstheater Saarbrücken
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Medée – JASON
Photo: Staatstheater Saarbrücken
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Medée – JASON
Photo: Staatstheater Saarbrücken
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Nabucco – ISMAELE
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Nabucco – ISMAELE
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – La Traviata - ALFREDO
Greek National Opera - La Bohème - RODOLFO
Photo: GNO / Andreas Simopoulos
Greek National Opera - La Bohème - RODOLFO
Photo: GNO / Andreas Simopoulos
Saarländisches Staatstheater – La Bohème – RODOLFO
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – La Bohème – RODOLFO
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – La Bohème – RODOLFO
Theater Nordhausen - La Boheme - RODOLFO
Theater Nordhausen - La Boheme - RODOLFO