Liudmila Lokaichuk

On Stage



In 2024 Liudmila Lokaichuck celebrated a triumph as ZERBINETTA in “Ariadne auf Naxos” at the Teatro Verdi Trieste. Before, she already succeeded in this very role at the Saarbrücken State Theatre, the Karlsruhe State Theatre, and at the Opéra de Limoges.

At the Saarbrucken State Theatre she also sang MORGANA in “Alcina”, KATHI in “Zum weissen Rössl”, NORINA in “Don Pasquale”, VIOLETTA in “La Traviata” , LAURETTA in “Gianni Schicci” or CONSTANZE in “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”.

Previously, Liudmilla was a member of the ensemble of the Opera House Halle and already made her spectacular debut here as ZERBINETTA in “Ariadne auf Naxos” and was nominated for this interpretation as the BEST SINGER in the Yearbook 2019 of the opera magazine OPERNWELT.
In the 2020 OPERNWELT Yearbook she was nominated BEST YOUNG SINGER for her interpretation of EFFI in the world premiere of Siegfried Mathus’ opera EFFI BRIEST at the Cottbus State Theater. The composer wrote the role especially for her.

Other role debuts at the Halle Opera include INÉS in Meyerbeer’s “L’ Africaine” , WANDA in “Die Herzogin von Gerolstein”, OSCAR in “Un ballo in maschera” and DONNA ANNA in “Don Giovanni”.
At the Leipzig Opera she debuted as the ITALIAN SINGER in Strauss’ “Capriccio”.

From 2016 to 2018 the young soprano was engaged at the Cottbus State Theater, where she enjoyed great successes in such roles as the BLONDE, QUEEN OF THE NIGHT, FLEURETTE in „Barbe- Bleue “, JENNY HILL in “Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny” and ZERLINA. In this last role, she also had a guest performance in Bonn, where she also portrayed JULIA in Rossini’s „La scala di seta" at the Beethoven Campus in 2016.

From 2006 to 2011 Liudmila studied singing at the „Mussorgsky" Conservatory in Yekaterinburg.
While still studying, she wan the V.A. Kurochkin International Competition for Young Operetta and Musical Singers. Thereupon, she was engaged as a soloist at the Yekaterinburg Music State Theater. She made her debut at this opera house in the role of HERMIA in Offenbach’s „Barbe-Bleue" , as ADELE in Johann Strauss' „Die Fledermaus". and as GILDA in “Rigoletto”.

Since 2011 the coloratura soprano regularly performs at the Theater in Tscheljabinsk, where she succeeded as SUSANNA in „Le nozze di Figaro" , LIUDMILA in “Ruslan and Liudmila” and ANTONIDA in “A Life for the Tsar”.

In Bangkok she made her debut as FRASQUITA in „Carmen" on the occasion of the 14th Music Festival in Thailand. In 2013 she celebrated her successful debut as ROSINA in Frank Matthus' production of "Der Barbier von Siviglia" under the musical direction of Stefan Sanderling at the Chamber Opera Rheinsberg Castle Festival. In 2015 she also made her debut here as VIOLETTA in „La Traviata". In this very role she also had brilliant successes in 2016 and 2017 at the Festival „Bergedorf Music Days” at the Theatre House in the Park in Hamburg-Bergedorf.
In 2014 and 2016 Liudmila was GRETE MINDE in Siegfried Matthus' opera at the Fontane-Festival in Neuruppin.

Liudmila was a Prize Winner at the 2nd International Singing Competition OCEAN CLASSICAL AWARD 2013 with the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Nations under the musical direction of Justus Frantz. She was awarded the 2nd Prize of the Concorso Lirico Internazionale „Santa Gianna Beretta Molla" in Milano and of the 5th Concorso Lirico Internazionale XXII Premio Cleto Tomba, Bologna.

She sang in the Berlin Charity Opera Gala Concert together with Edita Gruberová and Klaus-Florian Vogtand with the Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin.


Teatro Verdi Trieste – Ariadne auf Naxos - ZERBINETTA
Liudmila Lokaichuk‘s Zerbinetta, is the classical nightingale with a very gentle, but ductile voice from easy to virtuous- which is essential for the role – and hectic on stage.
…Liudmila Lokaichuk is a class of her own, who sings with bravura the murderously heavy part of Zerbinetta and acts with easygoing coquetry.
Kleine Zeitung
... at her debut in Italy, Liudmila Lokaichuk – nominated Best Singer of the Year 2019 by the German opera magazine Opernwelt – who presented an astonishing singing and interpretation portrayal in the role of Zerbinetta in Triest, which gave the character depth and vividness. The Verdi audience gave her the warmest applause of all times.
Radio Punto Zero
Likewise Liudmila Lokaichuk in the role of Zerbinetta: She is quite moderate in her yet exuberant play , intense in the lyric of her dialogue with the composer and in duet with Ariadne and vivid and relaxed in the virtuous rondo, which brought her a lang-lasting applause.
Connessi all'Opera
As Liudmila Lokaichuk‘ sparkling, wild coloraturas at the end of Zerbinetta’s acrobatic tirade ( one of the longest and most dangerous of the entire opera repertoire) received well-deserved, most vivid ovations of the evening,...
Rivista di Musica
Liudmila Lokaichuk in the role of Zebinetta succeeded to draw a multifaceted portrayal with vividness and gentle briskness, free of a certain routine, and truly emphasized the moments of pensive withdrawal. For her huge aria she got an overwhelming, well-deserved applause.
Di tanti pulpiti
Staatsoper Saarbrücken – Ophelia - GERTRUDE
Valda Wilson as the first Ophelia and the marvellous Liudmilla Lokaichuk as Gertude (Claudius spouse) were brilliant on a very high level, without diminuishing the other protagonist’s performances...
OPUS Magazin, Kurz Bohr, 14. Mai 29023
…and Liudmilla Lokaichuck as the hussy Gertrude and bitchy coloratura diva were particularly outstanding.
Staatstheater Saarbrücken - Alcina – MORGANA
Right from the beginning of the opera Liudmilla Lokaichuk as Morgana surprised with her sparkling soprano voice, wonderful coloraturas and a youthful whirling stage presence. She managed in keeping up this level throughout the entire opera.
Das Opernglas 2/2022, M. Fiedler
Then it is Liudmilla Lokaichuk who is particularly sparkling , in her entire vocal and acting flexibility, in the beauty of her voice and her talent. She succeeds in captivating the audience.. No time to waste, just go there.
Opus Magazin, Friedrich Spangemacher Dezember 2021
...for example when Liudmilla Lokaichuk sings Morgana- then the entire performance sparkles and twinkles and the true baroque feeling arises…
SR2 Kulturradio, Barbara Grech
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Ariadne aud Naxos – ZERBINETTA
Liudmilla Lokaichuck plays her character with the right dose of overexcitement and airs and graces, without neglecting the differentiated tones of her superficially simple character.
…and wouldn’t have flashed without the fantastic singers, above all Liudmila Lokaichuck’s ravishing Zerbinetta with crystal-clear coloraturas, wit and sex appeal.
Götz Tieme, Opernwelt 11/21
The ensemble is thoroughly brilliant, but Ludmilla Lokaichuck as Zerbinetta outshines them all ( …) a real triumph!
Saartext – Oliver Sandmeyer
Liudmilla Lokaichuck sings her figure with a flexible soprano voice and just the right amount of overexcitement and capricious airs, without renouncing the differentiated tones of her superficially easy character.
SR2 Karsten Neuschwender
Opernhaus Halle – Don Giovanni – DONNA ANNA
Sensationally brilliant was Liudmila Lokaichuk: spotless in the high registers, utterly convincing in her dramatic art, which seems to come out of her innermost depths and with a beautifully colored soprano voice in each register and cantilena. Her huge aria in the second act was literally breath-taking.
Klassik begeistert
Staatstheater Cottbus – Effi Briest -EFFI BRIEST
Mainly due to the wonderful Liudmila Lokaichuk. The soprano, who was born in the Russian Angarsk, was a member of the Cottbus State Theatre ensemble until last year and is now a permanent member of the Opera house Halle. Matthus knows her since the beginning of her career in Rheinsberg. He already wrote the leading role in “Grete Minde” for her and when he became the opportunity to write an opera on “Effi Briest”, he immediately had her in mind and composed the music tailored to her voice. ‘Every singer dreams of such a role’ she enthused and exceeded all expectations. She is a paragon of happiness and joy of life, as she is sitting on her swing as a 17 year old girl and plays with her friends. But soon the serious side of life begins and her mother tells her she is to marry a much older man. From scene to scene she becomes more restrained and shy until finally she crashes as a result of the severe morals of society. ‘I prefer roles that I can sound out psychologically’ she says. In the part of Effi Briest she demonstrates with which dedication and perfection she fills the character with life.
Opernglas 12/2019 - J. Gahre
Also Ljudmilla Lokaichuk, the real star of the evening, not only sings fabulous tones, she is also an amazing actress. Her portrayal of a young, cheerful girl that develops into a failed woman is just magnificent.
Freie Presse
But the actual high female voice is of course Effi’s. Liudmila Lokaichuk, in whose throat the part seems to be composed – an old opera tradition since Händel’s days – is both vocally, actingly and figuratively an exemplary Effi. Anyone that has seen the Eastern German TV movie, feels reminded of Angelica Domröse. Both vocally and scenically Lokaichuk exactly captures the fine line between youthful naivety and impartiality of a young girl on the one side and her anxiety and dependency as a wife on the other.
LR Online
As the ideal-typical Effi, she starts with girlish naturalness, light-foodedly outshining her surroundings in order to credibly traversing the entire Effi life in quick motion.
This opera contains no melodies, on which one can cruise along leisurely. It only contains short musical compactions, which must vocally and scenically be brought to the point and brought to life. This is best done by Liudmila Lokaichuk: She is a refreshingly vivacious, bewitchingly loving and deeply sad, suffering Effi, who convinces with every word and tone. One would truly like to protect her from the merciless men and save her from the hard-hearted society.
RBB Kultur
Opernhaus Halle – Ariadne auf Naxos - ZERBINETTA
Liudmila Lokaichuk as Zerbinetta not only offers the compulsory brilliant coloratura fireworks, she also intensifies the role in the often underestimated prelude by applying a secure centre, a solidly well guided voice and a melodious-expressive tone.
Online Merker, Werner Häußner
A real lucky choice in every respect is Liudmila Lokaichuk’s Zerbinetta.- It is a long time since we have heard such breathtakingly secure and light coloraturas in Halle. She became a special applause right away.
Joachim Lange
I can’t remember to have ever seen such a fountain of coloraturas and sex appeal in Halle. But she would just as well succeed on other stages.
Die deutsche Bühne
Opernhaus Halle – l’Africaine - Inès
The other woman was portrayed by Ludmila Lokaichuk. Her soprano voice is clear and bright…
Der Neue Merker 1/2018 Dana Herzowa
Ludmila Lokaichuk, the Portuguese rival, was hailed for her love to Vasco.
Cottbus State Theatre - Barbe-Bleu - FLEURETTE
And princess Fleurette really brought in a touch of French opera bouffe vibes. The most Parisian voice of the evening comes from Russia and is called Liudmila Lokaichuk. The soprano has already won twice various prizes at the International Contest of the Chamber Opera in Rheinsberg. Congratulations to the Cottbus House for engaging this artist!
rbb Kulturradio
Liudmila Lokaichuk sings Princess Hermia (alias Fleurette)with a wonderfully appealing soprano timbre...
Opernwelt, Januar 2017 Carsten Niemann
Fontane Festival Neuruppin - GRETE MINDE
The 28 year old, slender Liudmila Lokaichuk portrayed Grete with so much power and rage both as an actor and as a singer that the audience was torn between the feeling of taking her in once’s arms and keeping out of her way to avoid her rage.
Staatstheater Saarbrücken - Die Entführung aus dem Serail – KONSTANZE
© Martin Kaufhold
Teatro Verdi Trieste – Ariadne auf Naxos – ZERBINETTA
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Ariadne auf Naxos – ZERBINETTA
Staatstheater Saarbrücken – Ariadne auf Naxos – ZERBINETTA
Staatstheater Cottbus – Effie Briest - EFFI BRIEST
Staatstheater Cottbus – Effie Briest - EFFI BRIEST
Fontane Festspiele Neuruppin – GRETE Minde
Staatstheater Cottbus - Der Barbier von Sevilla – ROSINA
Staatstheater Cottbus - Der Barbier von Sevilla – ROSINA
Staatstheater Cottbus – Aufstieg und Falls der Stadt Mahagonny – JENNY HILL
Staatstheater Cottbus – Aufstieg und Falls der Stadt Mahagonny – JENNY HILL
Kammeroper schloss Rheinberg – La Traviata – VIOLETTA