Alik Abdukayumov

On Stage



In 2023 Alik Abdukayumov made his debut in “Der Schmied von Gent” at the Munster Theatre and as DONNER in “Rheingold” at the Erfurt Theatre and he could be seen as ESCAMILLO in “Carmen”.

‘Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg’ at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Firenze (KOTHNER) was cancelled.

In 2022 he was TOMSKY in ‘Pique Dame’ at the Opéra de Toulon, the Opéra d'Avignon and at the Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari.

Guest performances also brought the artist to the Budapest State Opera as PAOLO in ‘Simone Boccanegra’, FORD in ‘Falstaff’, LEPORELLO in ‘Don Giovanni’ and MARCELLO in ‘La Bohème’. He also sang MARCELLO at the Opéra de Montpellier. He enjoyed huge successes as KOTHNER, GEISTERBOTE in ‘Frau ohne Schatten’, LEPORELLO and FIGARO at the Opera House Graz. Besides, he sang FIGARO at the Stuttgart State Opera. And he succeeded in LEPORELLO at the Eutin Festival and the Hamburg State Opera.

In Chemnitz and at the Opera House Leipzig, he was ENRICO in ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ and SILVIO in ‘Il Pagliacci’.
The baritone is a regular guest at the Volksoper Wien where he can be seen in such roles as FÜRST IGOR, PETER BESENBINDER, MICHELE (Il Tabarro), TONIO (I Pagliacci ), GIORGIO GERMONT, FRANZ i(I masnadieri) or ESCAMILLO.

Alik studied philology at the Uzbekistan National University, where he graduated in German Philology. Parallel to these studies, he attended the Uzbekistan Music Conservatory and was a member of the State Opera and Ballet Academy here. After graduating here, he studied at the Uzbekistan State Music Conservatory with Prof. O. Alexandrova.

Subsequently, the young singer won the First and the 2nd Prize and additional Special Prizes at more than ten national and international Singing Contests – awards for an exceptional voice. In summer 2007 he was a semi-finalist at the international Domingo Singing Contest OPERALIA in Paris. Alik made his German debut at the age of 26 as Posa in Don Carlo at the International Chiemgau Music Festival.

Since 2007 Alik Abdukayumov regularly sings at the Linz Opera House, where he performs such roles as EUGEN ONEGIN, LESCAUT, GIORGIO GERMONT, EDUARD (News of the Day), POLICE INSPECTOR (Lady Macbeth of Mzensk), RENATO and many others. Soon he became the public’s favourite here. In 2009/201 he returned to Linz as SHARPLESS and LINDORF/COPPELIUS/DR.MIRAKEL/DAPERTUTTO. In these very roles, he also impressed at the Düsseldorf Rhine Opera.

Alik Abdukayumov is also very much in demand as a concert singer. He was already heard with compositions of Bach, Händel, Orff, Stravinsky and Saint-Saens in France and Russia and in 2007 in Tokyo together with Elena Obraztsova. With the Bruckner Orchestra Linz he sang Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and with the Dresdner Philharmonics he sang MAMMA AGATA in ‘Viva la Mamma’.

The baritone works with such producers as Alexander Schulin, Johannes Erath, Olivier Tambosi, Marco Arturo Marelli, Andrea Moses, Uwe Laufenberg, Vera Nemirova … and conductors such as Ivan Anguélov, Dennis Russel Davies, Johannes Fritzsch, Michael Sanderling, Keri-Lynn Wilson…

The last 10 years the baritone succeeded at the Weimar National Theatre in such roles as SHAKLOWITY in ‘Chowanschtschina’, SHARPLESS, GERMONT, FORD, ALBERT in ‘Werther’, HEROLD, PAPAGENO, MARCELLO , FRANCESCO in Verdi’s ‚I Masnadieri‘ , JAGO or SCARPIA or AMONASRO.


v.Beethoven 9. Sinofonie  
Bizet Carmen Escamillo
Hindesmith Neues vom Tage Eduard
Humperdinck Hänsel und Gretel Peter
Leoncavallo I Pagliacci Tonio
Massenet Manon Lescaut
Mozart Le nozze di Figaro Figaro
Mozart Don Giovanni Leporello
Mussorgski Chowanschtschina Schaklowityj
Offenbach Les Contes d’Hoffmann Lindorf, Coppelius,
Dr. Mirakel, Dapertutto
Puccini Il Tabarro Michele
Puccini Madama Butterfly Sharpless
Schostakowitsch Lady Macbeth Polizeikommissar
Strauss Die Frau ohne Schatten Geisterbote
Tschaikowsky Eugen Onegin Onegin
Verdi La Traviata Giorgio Germont
Verdi Falstaff Ford
Verdi Un ballo in maschera Renato
Verdi Don Carlos Posa
Wagner Die Meistersinger Kothner
Nationaltheater Weimar - Il Tabarro - MICHELE
The evil ship’s captain Michele (with a pitch black baritone voice: Alik Abdukayumov)…
OPERNWELT 7/24 – Werner Kopfmüller
Staatstheater Erfurt – Das Rheingold - DONNER
Alik Abdukayumov presented a powerful baritone of exquisite quality with great power and vocal culture.
Online Merker
Alik Abdukayumov as powerful Donner .
With their joy of playing Alik Abdukayumov as Donner and Tristan Blanchet as Froh complete this overall vocally truly solid Wagner ensemble.
Alik Abdukayumov and Tristan Blanchet are impressive as Donner and Froh.
DIE deutsche BÜHNE
Theater Münster - Der Schmied von Gent - SMEE
Alik Abdukayumov portrayed the title part of Smee with a powerful baritone voice and clever acting.
Das Opernglas 12/2023 Th. Molke
With a beautiful voice Alik Abdukayomov portrays a Smee that doesn’t act defiant but rather opportunistically cunny.
OPERNWELT, 12 / 2023, Uwe Schweikert
Alik Abdukayamov in the role of Smee is outstanding, really fantastic, very witty but then again extremely desperate.
Musically the performance was a real success, mainly due to the two principal characters. Alik Abdukayumov as Smee met with the acting but especially with the vocal acquirements of the giant part. With perfect direction, from the recitatives to the legato in the aria, in which he intends to commit suicide or in the sad “Schöne Baum”, in which he expresses his fear for the approaching descent into hell onto the coloraturas, with which he draws the hangman Hessels to the plumtree. He also succeeded in singing with a softer timbre, when confronted with the goddess Astarte and particularly with his wife.
Online Merker
The great perfect, ensemble is led by Alik Abdukayumov, who doesn’t only effortlessly masters the huge baritone part with acting engagement. He also convinces in the delicate moments like „Schöne Baum“.
Westfälische Nachrichten
Effective, virile and perfectly fit for the many grotesque facets of his role, Alik Abdukayumov s an outstanding interpreter of the title part. Abdukayumov’s Smee is just fantastic in his vitality and his wickedness.
Nationaltheater Weimar – Der goldene Hahn – PRINZ AFRON
Alik Abdukayumov as Prinz Afron, also an strange king’s son, made proof of a warm timbre and clear diction.
Das Opernglas 12/ 2022, C. Behn
Opéra de Toulon – Pique Dame – TOMSKY
Alik Abdukayumov performed the role of Tomsky with lots of stage presence
Res Musica
In the stirring role of Tomsky, Alik Abdukayumov seems by and by more disturbing, adjusting to the director’s instructions as it seems. He has a rich, homogenous voice and crowns his aria with a long-lasting peak.
Forum Opera
Nationaltheater Weimar – Aida – AMONASRO
Alik Abdukayumov as Amonasro is a perfect Verdi singer. He impressed with his carrying baritone voice and his earthy, profound depths.
Das Opernglas , Dezember 2021, C. Behn
... and Alik Abdukayumov‘s (Amonasro) fantastic concision...
In Süd Thüringen
For me, it was especially enjoyable to hear Alik Abdukayumov. Effortlessly and elegantly, the baritone singer as Amonasro lead his extremely beautiful timbre. One could notice a significant evolution.
Online Merker
Wiener Volksoper - Carmen - ESCAMILLO
With Alik Abdukayumov as Escamillo with an extremely beautiful baritone voice.
Online Merker
Wiener Volksoper – Il Trittico - MICHELE
Like in the premiere before, the role of Michele was played by Alik Abdukayumov. As an actor, he has gained a lot. Very touching his portrayal of the depressed but yet sweet-tempered Michele. In the scene with Giorgetta, in which he tries to regain her love, he sings with exemplary legato and velvety mezza voce until finally all his emotional pain breaks out resulting in the murdering of Luigi and he ends up blankly staring into a void.
Online Merker
Theater Plauen-Zwickau – Aida – AMONASRO
However, the second male leading voice, Aida’s father, the King of Ethiopia, Amonasro, sung by Alik Abdukayumo who suddenly appeared after the intermission is surely worth mentioning. Leaving behind his composed restraint hepresented a great vocal performance… Amonasro’s strong timbre….
Der Opernfreund
Also both guest performers Valeriy Georgiev (Rademes) and Alik Abdukaymov (as the Ethiopian King Amonasro andAida’s Father) were a good choice.
Vogtland Anzeiger
The wicked, sly Francesco, just as evil as Jago, is one of Alik Abdukayumov’s prime roles. This baritone keeps getting better and bigger. Everything sounds delightfully magnificent and results in a secure belcanto blaze. He is a perfect actor, who is involved without any outrage. This voice of such a perfect quality is ment to sing at the Vienna State Opera.
Elena Habermann , Der neue Merker, Wien.
In this very scene the Uzbek baritone Alik Abdukayumov was very impressive. His Francesco was just as sly as Jago. Moreover, Alik presented a perfect singing performance.
Nationatheater Weimar – Un ballo in maschera - RENATO
And that’s for the benefit of Alik Abdukayumov’s Renato. As already in the role of the villain Franceso in Verdi’s “I Masnadieri”, he is someone whose suffering and feelings of vengeance stream out of his pores with an impressively slow intensity. He doesn’t need to swing the baritonal club. After his promptly defeated feelings of aggression towards Amalia, he uses compelling vocal diplomacy. He and Caterina Maier turn the scene with Oscar into the highlight of the evening.
Oper Leipzig – I Pagliacci -SILVIO
‚Alik Abdukayumov as Silvio succeeds perfectly in striking sovereign high peaks,..‘
Opernwelt 6/2018 – Udo Badelt
Alik Abdukayumov sings a soft, warm....Silvio
…altogether he succeeds in giving a decent role portrayal.
Das Opernmagazin
In huge and good vocal condition and both of them very enthusiastic were Alik Abdukayumov as Silvio and….
Kunst und Technik Magazin
Volksoper Wien - Die Räuber - FRANCESCO
Dear opera lovers, the name Alik Abdukayumov is really to be savored - it will definitively serve you as soul food more often… His first big Verdi role, in which we could see the young baritone from Uzbekistan, was truly sensational! The fact that he had to sing it in German, did in no way smaller the effect. Although we know Alik from interviews as an exceptionally congenial, very intelligent and learned person, he succeeded in giving a persuading portrayal of Franz as a slimy, sneaky cheat and ruffian. The artist knows how to use his beautiful baritone voice, effortlessly harmoniously flowing in every volume and pitch in order to expressively cash in on it. He seemed to let his thoughts of revenge flow into plain vocalisms. One became the feeling he really enjoyed them. And Franz’ plans on how to harm the scoundrel and his opponents were sung so smoothly, it sounded like pure seduction. Absolutely delightful was his performance in the huge scene with Amalia in the 2nd act: at first he smarms over her with balsamic singing. But after noticing her refusal, he suddenly changes sides, vocally wallowing in thoughts of revenge and threats of violence. As declaring his repentance to the priest ( here = father) in the 4th act, he mocks himself, helplessly gesticulating, only to, in the following, deliberately catch a textile band and wrap it around his neck in order to kill himself. A considerable character study, a real must-see and hear.
Der Neue Merker
Weimar National Theatre – Fidelio - PIZARRO
The most consistent figure was created by Alik Abdukayumov. His Pizarro also vocally emitted dark evilness.
Opernwelt 5/2017 - Wolfgang Schreiber
Alik Abdukayumov, brilliant as a Pizarro with abysmal malice wiht every ferinement.
Thüringer Allgemeine
Don Pizarro in Mafialook (with dashing power: Alik Abdukayumov).
Nationaltheater Weimar - Eine Italienerin in Algier - TADDEO
The baritone portrayed Taddeo with great enthusiasm. Such a rich and noble voice like Abdukayumov s is seldom heard. The singer is predestinated to sing the belcanto repertoire including Verdi.
Christoph Karner, Der neue Merker, November 2016
The "pappataci" calls, which he alternately sings with his congenial baritone collegue Alik Abdukayumov, playing Taddeo with great thusiasm, at the end of the opera, will be remembered for a long time. Such a colourful and noble voice as it is Abdukayumov's, is seldom heard. The singer is truely predestinated for the belcanto repertoire.
Der neue Merker
Taddeo alias Alik Abdukayumov truely counters Isabella, he isn't just whining.
Die Deutsche Bühne
Theater Erfurt - Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - KOTHNER
Alik Abdukayumov is a fine-sounding Kothner
Vienna Popular Opera - PRINCE IGOR
'It was a great joy to see and hear Alik Abdukayumov again, whose unique divine baritone voice has a magnificent timbre. With his impressive stage presence he gave an extreme differentiated and human portrayal of prince Igor.'
Nationaltheater Weimar - Der Freischütz - OTTOKAR
'The trio of the guardians with Alik Abdukayumov's Ottokar, Sebastian Campiones Kuno and Daeyoung Kims Eremit meets with every requirement of the roles and with great spirit it satisfies the acting demands'
Opernnetz, Achim Dombrowski
Chemnitz Opera House - Lucia di Lammermoor - ENRICO
In full possession of his powerful, perfectly trained voice, which at the most needs a slight final touch, concerning its noblesse, the Usbekian Alik Abdukayumov brought an Enrico Ashton of the highest caliber on stage. There was nothing left to be desired.
Joachim Weise - Der neue Merker
'…the baritone Alik Abdukayumov in the role of Enrico, whose vocal performance can only be named world-class. The rich, warm sound of his voice, the brilliant peaks, the wonderful mezza-voce. All this brought him already after his aria „Cruda funesta smania“ a big applause from the audience.
Der Neue Merker
'... and is truely was a cantonal festival - with as highlight Alik Abdukayumov, who brought on stage an Enrico Ashton, with a mighty voice like a rage-glowing vulcano. That btought him thunderous applause.'
Mannheim National Theatre - Lola runs - MANNI
'Alik Abdukayumov portrays Manni with a wonderful baritone voice. In the torment pose, he fully succeeds in impressing the audience. '
Der neue Merker
Nationaltheater Weimar - Die Räuber - FRANZ
'But if you become the opportunity to see a true, top-quality Verdi baritone like Alik Abdukayumov, who is also a great actor, in the role of Francesco, any distracton from the singing and the acting means a great loss. In his first appearance in the first act „Vecchio! Spiccai da te quell´odiato primogenito tuo!” he was able to pull out all the stops. And in the aria „La sua lampada vitale“ his imcomparably smooth and highly individually colored, unique timbre and his exemplary phrasing stood out especially well.'
Der neue Merker
'His son Franz looks just like a right wing populist. He leads a Pegida demonstration and in his nightmares, he meets glittering women with burkas. ... The soloists sing all togehter outstandingly great opera in belcanto style, without ever capitulating. They put a lot of character in their voices.'
Thüringer Allgemeine
MACBETH concertant - Vienna
For the title role she succeeded in gaining Alik Abdukayumov , who especially come from Weimar for this occasion. It's the first time the baritone sings the role of Macbeth and he ensured the enthusiastic audience an unmatched listening experience. His powerful voice has a particularly noble timbre, sounding world class both in the opulent deep and the brilliant high notes. Undoubtedly, this singer, who is also a very good and intelligent actor, has one of the most beautiful baritone voices of our time. It was repeatedly confirmed by the competent audience that his singing reminds of many of his great famous predecessors. In future Alik Abdukayumov is in for great things, hopefully also in Vienna.
Merker Online
Nationaltheater Weimar - La Bohème Marcello
'Among the gentlemen Alik Abdukayumov as eloquently sonorous Marcello ist the most impressive.'
Weimar National Theatre - Madama Butterfly - SHARPLESS - June 2013
'... just like the consul (vocally extremely impressive: Alik Abdukayumov).'
OPERNWELT, August 2013
'In the next scene consul Sharpless, brilliantly portrayed by Alik Abdukayumov wants to hand over the letter to Pinkerton. ...the character of Sharpless perfectly fits him, both dramatically - he convincinly expresses sympathy, compassion but also his inability to change the situation for the better- and vocally. He sings marvellous legato bows, in which his wonderful, velvet timbre reaches its full impact. As Sharpless Alik Abdukayumov is certainly an ideal cast.'
Der neue Merker - Christoph Karner
Der Mantel - MICHELE - Volksoper Wien - 2013
'Really good is Alik Abdukayumov as Michele. A young baritone from Taschkent, Usbekistan with a rich, wonderfully flowing velvet voice but also sufficient volume and drama to rise above the orchestral swell. Complements to the mask. Even sitting in the first row, Michele really looked old. And his portrayal of the human being, suffering in body and soul simply was magnificent.'
Elena Habermann, Der Neue Merker, April 12
La Bohème - MARCELLO - Opéra de Montpellier - December 2012
'Alik Abdukayumov sings Marcello with a sonourously rich voice and a beautiful timbre.'
Harault du Jour
' ... especially Alik Abdukayumov's expressive Marcello.'
Midi Libre
'Alik Abdukayumov is provided with a sonourous, flexible voice and pleasant looks: partucularly in the contradutions of the tird act, the humanity of his character becomes very credible.'
'Alik Abdukayumov with his marvellously focussed, sonour voice and his strong stange presence'
'Alik Abdukayumov has a smooth, sonorous baritone voice and an appealing appearence. Especially the humanity of his character, that clearly shows in the contradictions in the third act, is very convincing.'
The Opera Critic
Falstaff - FORD - Weimar National Theatre
'Alik Abdukayumov as Falstaff's antagonist, gave a vocally brilliant performance with perfect acting. He has a warm, colourful baritone of noble timbre, who alwys interpretes with great musicality. His big aria in the 2nd act 'è sogno? O realtà' was one of the highlights of the evening. This way of singing is highly addictive. Alik Abdukayumov is not a stranger to Vienna; in the last season he celebrated great triumphs at the Vienna Popular Opera as Escamillo, Tonio, in 'Der Bajazzo' and Father Germont and Michele in ' Der Mantel'. Let's hope we can hear this singer again soon in Vienna.'
Christoph Karner, Der neue Merker, Vienna
Don Giovanni - LEPORELLO - Eutin Festival - August 2011
“ ...anyway the colorful mixture of outstandingly beautiful voices surely was impressive and reminds of former successes on Eutin's 'green hill'. ...Alik Abdukayumov is a brilliant Leporello.“
Der neue Merker
Il Trovatore - CONTE DI LUNA - Linz Municipal Theatre - May 2011
„Alik Abdukayumov was a very convincingly acting and intensely singing Luna. His stable, melodious voice is abundant with modulations.”
Der neue Merker
The Cloak - MICHELE – Vienna Popular Opera - March 2011
„Alik Abdukayumov was an excellent Michele, showing a mature, dark baritone, gripping in his narrative.”
Opera News
„'The Usbek Alik Abdukayumov received standing ovations. Tthe Usbek singer, who already is the audience's favorite in Graz, takes an almost lyrical-dramatic approach to the role. He has a gritty "cavalier baritone voice ", whose appeal lies in its perfect voice placement ,its beautiful timbre and its elegant phrasing. He just might be an ideal future Posa, Luna or Valentin. The Vienna Popular Opera succeeded in finding a tremendous dual casting for the leading part of 'The Cloak”
Der neue Merker
„Alik Abdukayumov sang the Michele and caused an extremely positive surprise. He has a beautiful, gritty baritone and sang the role in a more lyrical way, presenting a human being who, after having restrained his feelings for quite a long time, suddenly explodes“
Der neue Merker
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - KOTHNER –
Graz Opera House – November 2009
„... ALIK ABDUKAYUMOV as Fritz Kother delighted the audience with his big voice and his joyous acting.“
Der neue Merker
Frau ohne Schatten –MESSENGER- Opernhaus Graz Opera House - 2011
'Also very good all the medium parts, first and foremost the powerful spirit-messenger Alik Abdukayumov, who also leads the voices of the guards'
Die Presse Wien
„...with impressive vocal power Alik Abdukayumov added authoritiy to the spirit-messenger.“
Kleine Zeitung Graz
The Tales of Hoffmann–THE FOUR VILAINS– Linz Municipal Theatre
“... the audience also showed great enthusiasm for the Four Villains of the day, Lindorf/Coppélius/Miracle/Dapertutto, sung by Alik Abdukayumov, with his captivating, gorgeously shining baritone.“
Der neue Merker
„Alik Abdukayumov in the role of the Four Villains, shone with his powerful, softly timbred, secure baritone...”
Oberösterreich Nachrichten
„Alik Abdukayumov presented a big, strinkingly beautiful batitone: which brought him a rightly deserved personal succes.”
Un ballo in machera - RENATO – Linz Municipal Theatre
“ Anzolini meticulously directed the singer ensemble, from which the baritone Alik Abdukayumov stood out above the rest. His acting of Renato was an unqualified success, vocally full of excessive verve.”
OÖ Nachrichten
„Great accolade for Alik Abdukayumov as Renato. His sonorous, noble voice was the highlight of the premiere. “
Neues Volksblatt
Nationaltheater Weimar – Il Tabarro – MICHELE
© Candy Welz
Theater Münster - Der Schmied von Gent - SMEE
Photo: Sermon Fortapelsson
Nationaltheater Weimar - Fidelio - PIZARRO
Nationaltheater Weimar - Fidelio - PIZARRO
Simona Boccanegra - PAOLO
Nationaltheater Weimat - Eine Italienerin in Algier - TADDEO
Openhaus Chemnitz - Lucia di Lammermoor - ENRICO ASHTON
Openhaus Chemnitz - Lucia di Lammermoor - ENRICO ASHTON
Nationaltheater Weimar - Lola rennt - MANNI
Nationaltheater Weimar - Die Räuber - FRANZ
Nationaltheater Weimar - Werrther - ALBERT - January 2014
Staatsoper Budapest - Falstaff - FORD
Staatsoper Budapest - Don Giovanni - LEPORELLO
Staatsoper Budapest - Don Giovanni - LEPORELLO
Staatsoper Budapest - Don Giovanni - LEPORELLO
Staatsoper Budapest - Simona Boccanegra - PAOLO
Landestheater Linz - Il Trovatore - CONTE DI LUNA
Landestheater Linz - Il Trovatore - CONTE DI LUNA
Opernhaus Graz - Don Giovanni - LEPORELLO
Nationaltheater Weimar - Falstaff
Foto Erhard Driesel
Nationaltheater Weimar - Falstaff
Foto Erhard Driesel
Der Neue Merker (deutsch)
Die Kleine Zeitung - March 2010 (deutsch)