Daniel Pataky

On Stage



"He manages to gain both heroic brilliance and lyrical glaze from his slender, flexible tenor voice.”
Das Opernglas on ‘Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe’

In the season 2023/24 Daniel Pataky portrays DON JOSE in “Carmen”, DUCA in “Rigoletto” and ADOLPHE in Martinus’ “Drei Wünsche” at the Chemnitz Opera House. He returns as BOHUSLAV in the “Polish Wedding” to the Dresden State Operetta and sings once again a series of NEW YEAR’S CONCERTS with the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra.

In 22/23 he succeeded as JOSEF K. In Gottfried von Einem’s “The Trial” at the Regensburg Theatre and as BOLESLAV in the German premiere of “The Polish Wedding” at the Dresden State Operetta. He was invited to sing CONCERTS with the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra and made his debut as FROH in “Das Rheingold” at the Budapest Wagner Days.

Recently, the versatile tenor debuted as TEBALDO in “I Capuleti e i Montecchi” at the Heidelberg Theatre. He sang ALFRED in “Die Fledermaus” and FERRANDO in ”Cosi fan tutte” at the Budapest State Opera and New Year’s Concerts with the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra.

Besides, he made his successful debut as TOM RAKEWELL in “The Rake’s Process” at the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Theatre.

Before, Daniel Pataky was a permanent member of the Bielefeld Opera House, where he could be seen in numerous roles, including ALFRED in “Die Fledermaus”, LENSKI in “Eugen Onegin”, FERRANDO in “Così fan tutte”. TAMINO in “Die Zauberflöte”, MALE CHORUS in “The Rape of Lucretia”, PINKERTON in “Madama Butterfly”, SALI in “Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe”, LAERTE in “Hamlet” as well as WALTHER in “Tannhäuser”. Recently, he also was very successful here as WERTHER (Massenet) and as ALFREDO in “La Traviata”.
Besides, he can regularly be heard as a concert soloist with the Bielefeld Philharmonic Orchestra.

Moreover, guest performances brought him as EDGARDO in “Lucia di Lammermoor” and as DON JOSÉ in “Carmen” to the Debrecen Opera, as OTTO in “Bánk Bán”, TAMINO in “Die Zauberflöte” and as MATTEO in “Arabella” and NEMORINO in “L’elisire d’amore“to the Budapest State Opera. In 2016 he made his debut as MAX in “Der Freischütz” at the Eutin Festival and equally performed this role at the Heidelberg Theatre. In 2016/17 he was RINUCCIO at the Krefeld-Mönchengladbach Theatre and at the Saaremaa Opera Festival in Estonia. Further guest performances took him to the Detmold Theatre and the Theatre of Lower Saxony.

Daniel Pataky was born in Debrecen/Hungary, where he graduated as a violinist at the Kodály Zoltán Music School in his native town. From 2005 to 2010 he studied singing at the Ferenc Liszt Music Academy, Budapest.

In 2006 he was awarded the Annie Fischer ‚Musical performer scholarship from the National Ministry of Culture‘. In 2005 and 2007 he won the ‘Sandor Konya Scholarship‘, in 2006 he was granted the scholarship of the Foundation for Talented Youths Debrecen and in 2008/2009 he became the``E-ON Hungary scholarship‘. In 2009 he was also awarded the Junior Prima Prize.

Concerts brought the congenial tenor to China, Japan, Rumania, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands, just to name a few... In 2017 he sang for the first time concerts with the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2019 he performed with the Nuremberg Symphonic Orchestra at the Meistersingerhalle in Nuremberg.

Daniel Pataky has already worked with renowned personalities such as Eva Marton, Giuseppe Giacomini, Helmuth Rilling, Peter Schreier, Stefan Soltesz or Tamas Vasary.
In 2015 the young tenor received the BIELEFELDER OPERNTALER Prize.


Theater Chemnitz - Die Drei Wünsche - ADOLPHE
...the dashingly singing Adolphe (Daniel Pataky)...
Opernwelt 1/2024, Werner Kopfmüller
Theater Regensburg – Der Prozess - JOSEF K.
Just like Anthony Perkins with Orson Welles in 1962, in Regensburg Daniel Pataky in his white suit and with his bleached hair, is a John Doe who ignores the increasing threat until the end. As if he were uninvolved, he sings and plays a person, who does not know what is going on.
OPER! 11/2022, Klaus Kalchschmid
…the whole is more like a declamatory recitative – the play is so to speak entirely psalmodied. I admire the excellent singers, who are able to perform for two hours beyond reproach….
Particularly outstanding was Daniel Pataky’s performance of Josef K. A brilliant, dramatically convincing appearance. How did he sing? No idea. In fact what he offered here with over 90 % stage presence (all actors) , truly deserved the applause.
Der Neue Merker 10/22 – Rüdiger Ehlert
Theater Heidelberg – I Capuleti e i Montecchi - TEBALDO
Daniel Pataky’s Tebaldo radiates tenoral brilliance.
Mannheimer Morgen
Theater Bielefeld - DON CARLO
With clear peaks Daniel Pataky easily meets the challenges of the title role and credibly plays the young man's troubles.
Tenor Daniel Pataky gives a touching portrayal of the desperate title character.
Eutin Festival - Der Freischütz - MAX

'...his facial play and his gestures personify Max' youth, naivety and desperation in such an impressive way, it turns his acting really into something outstanding.'

Bielefeld Theatre - Macbeth - MACDUFF
Daniel Pataky presented Macduff with quiet granduer'
Bielefeld Theatre - Eugen Onegin - LENSKI
'The best vocal impression made the tenor Daniel Pataky as Lenski. Not only with his touching Kuda, kuda but also by his metamorphosis from an enthusiast in love to a hothead boiling with rage.'
'... he succeeded in imprressing the audience, which brought him plenty of applause.'
'Excellent Daniel Pataky's Lenski'
Capriccio Kulturforum
Bielefeld Theatre - Cosi fan tutte - FERRANDO
'Daniel Pataky's Ferrando sings a rather rigid Italian, which was however compensated by his beautiful tenor voice and his secure sense of style.'
Bielefeld Theatre - Die Zauberflöte - TAMINO
'Daniel Pataky sings Tamino with lyrical sensitivity.'
'Daniel Pataky performs a brilliant tenor part, sensibely, with delicate melodiousness, rarely showing off.'
Bielefeld Theatre - Madama Butterfly - PINKERTON
'Pinkerton (Daniel Pataky with enchanting belcanto glaze) ...'
Staatsoperette Dresden – Die polnische Hochzeit – BOLESLAV
Oper Chemnitz – Die drei Wünsche – ADOLPHE
Credit: Nasser Hashemi
Oper Chemnitz – Die drei Wünsche – ADOLPHE
Credit: Nasser Hashemi
Oper Chemnitz – Die drei Wünsche – ADOLPHE
Credit: Nasser Hashemi
Staatsoperette Dresden - Die Polnische Hochzeit - Boleslav Zagorsky
Eutiner Festspiele - Der Freischütz – MAX
Eutin Festival - Der Freischütz - MAX
Theater Bielefeld - Die Zauberflöte - TAMINO
Theater Bielefeld - Die Fledermaus - ALFRED
Theater Bielefeld - Macbeth - MACDUFF