Talia Or

On Stage



Highlights in her so far career include engagements at numerous international opera houses such as the Scala di Milano as VOICE OF A FALCON in ‘Die Frau ohne Schatten’, at the Biennale Arts Festival Munich in ÜBER FRAUEN ÜBER GRENZEN, a world premiere produced by Stefan Herheim, DESPINA at the Hamburg State Opera and at the New National Theatre Tokyo, staged by Damiano Micheletto or her debut as MARZELLINE in ‘Fidelio’ at the Teatro Reggio Torino. She sang ELISABETH ZIMMER in Henze‘s ‘Elegie für junge Liebende’ in Bilbao as well as the FIRST FLOWER MAIDEN in ‘Parsifal’ at the Palau de les Artes Valencia and at the Teatro Massimo Bellini (2020). Furthermore, she enjoyed great successes as YVETTE in ‘Die Passagiere’ at the Bregenz Festival and as WOGLINDE in Santa Cecilia Roma.

With her wide repertoire (PAMINA, DESPINA, GRETEL, ROSALINDE, FRAU FLUTH, NEDDA, ANTONIA, FIODILIGI, SYLVIA VARESCU,…) the Israeli soprano regularly collaborates with renowned conductors such as Zubin Mehta, Gianandrea Noseda, Kirill Petrenko, Ivor Bolton, Betrand de Billy, Lorin Maazel, Fabio Luisi and Marc Albrecht. Born in Jerusalem Talia Or grown up in Germany, she completed her musical studies at the University of Music and Theatre Hamburg with distinction. Immediately afterwards, she became a member of the Opera Studio of the Bavarian State Opera Munich and later of the State Theatre at the Gärtnerplatz Munich, where she could be seen in such roles as ADELE in ‘Die Fledermaus’, ROSINA in ‘Il Barbiere di Siviglia’ or PAMINA in ‘The Magic Flute’.

She had great successes as ROSALINDE in ‘Die Fledermaus’ at Salzburg Theatre under Leo Hussain, as FRAU FLUTH in ‘Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor’ at the Festival Klosterneuburg and as PAMINA at the Teatro Lirico Cagliari.

In the season 2015/16 she made her debut as TATJANA in ‘Eugen Onegin’ at the Teatro di Sao Paulo in Brazil and came back to La Monnaie as GRETEL in ‘Hänsel und Gretel’. She also had great success as EVA in ‘Il primo Omicidio’ with The Potsdam Chamber Academy, as well as in the male lead role in Janacek´s ‘The excursions of Mr.Broucek’. In 2017 she returned to the Bavarian State Opera with Jenufa.
Recently, she succeeded as SYLVA VARESCU (Czardasfürstin) in Bolzano and at the Teatro Comunale Trento and she sang the 1st DAME ‘Die Zauberflöte’ at the Lübeck Theatre and NEDDA AT THE Bremerhaven Theatre (2020).

Her concert repertoire ranges from Bach, Mozart, Offenbach, Schönberg, Mahler and Richard Strauss to contemporary composers like Moritz Eggert and Sofia Gubaidulina. Concert engagements brought her to all the major international concert stages, like the OSESP in São Paolo, the Tel Aviv Philharmonics, the Salzburg Festival House, the Hamburg Music Hall and the Munich Gasteig. Highlights include a concert appearance in MAHLER‘S 2nd SYMPHONY under Zubin Mehta with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, and several Bach Oratoria under Peter Schreier at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.  Bach CANTATAS with the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Zubin Mehta and recordings of SISARA and L’ARMONIA, dedicated to the work of Simon Mayr were released on CD.

In December 2020 she enthused in a gala concert with Andrea Bocelli in Dubai. In summer 2021 she performs in a Mozart concert at the Chiemgau Festival Gut Immling.


Teatro Regio Torino – Fidelio - MARZELLINA
"...Su tutti trionfava Talia Or."
Il Sole 24 Ore
Accademia di Santa Cecilia Roma - Das Rheingold -WOGLINDE
".. almost every singer has problems with the hall acoustics. It was her self-confident smile that proved Talia Or as Woglinde had the hang of it. With fine diction she presented her silvery shining soprano voice in a most sovereign and focused way. No other member of the cast was so convincing. "
Das Opernglas
Klosterneuburg - Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor – FRAU FLUTH
"With her portrayal of Ms Fluth, Talia Or not only textually pulled all strings. With her noble soprano voice she also vocally dominated the scene. "
Wiener Zeitung
"Flawless performances in the female leading roles: Talia Or, the attractive Israeli as the beautifully voiced Ms. Fluth. "
Teatro di Bolzano – Die Czardasdfürstin – SYLVA VARESCU
Teatro di Bolzano – Die Czardasdfürstin – SYLVA VARESCU
Teatro di Torino – Fidelio – MARZELLINNE
Teatro di Torino – Fidelio – MARZELLINNE
Landestheater Salzburg – Die Fledermaus – ROSALINDE