Hye Won Nam

On Stage



"Without cease Hye Won Nam performs the role of Cio-Cio-San with a flowing, beautifully articulating voice of a dark-timbred brilliance; musically impeccable in the high registers, which makes her theperfect choice for the role." Orpheus

For years now, Hye Won Nam has been impressing as CIO-CIO-SAN in “Madama Butterfly”. She could already be seen in this very role at the Saarbrücken State Theatre, the Magdeburg Theater, the Wuppertal Stages, the Danish National Opera, the Hof Theatre and in 2020 at the Nordhausen Theatre.
In the season 21/22 she was re-engaged here as TOSCA and she will make her debut as TURANDOT at the Festival Nordhausen-Sondershausen in 2024.

In Saarbrücken, she also sang TATIANA in 'Eugin Onegin'. She was TOSCA in Bremen, LIU at the Mannheim National Theatre, DONNA ANNA at the Prinzregententheater Munich and Lauretta at the Braunschweig State Theatre.

Ms Nam first absolved singing studies at the National University of Seoul, before completing them with Helmut Deutsch at the Conservatory of Music And Theatre in Munich and with Mirella Freni and Maria Chiara in Italy. Besides, she took master classes with Josef Loibl and Nicola Martinucci. Hye Won Nam wo the First Prize of the Mirella Freni »L'Opera Italiana«-Competition, the First Prize of the International »Francesco Maria Martini« Competition in Lignano Sabbiadoro and is a prizewinner of the competitions »Francesco Vinas« in Barcelona, »Competizione dell'Opera« in Dresden and the IVC in the Netherlands.

Her first engagements in Korea included LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, ADINA, AGATHE, MIMI , PAMINA and VIOLETTA VALÉRY.

In Italy Ms Nam made her debut as SUSANNA at the Teatro Asioli di Corregio and as MICAELA at the Teatro dell'Opera di Sanremo. She attracted international attention in an Anniversary Concert on the occasion of the 50th stage anniversary of Mirella Freni at the Teatro communale di Modena, whereupon she was immediately engaged by Maestro Michael Jurowski for the opening concert with the Orchestra of the Arena di Verona Foundation at the Teatro Filarmonico di Verona. At the Teatro del Giglio in Lucca her debut as MIMI under the musical direction of Maestro Marzio Conti, was so successful that she was engaged to sing this very role the following season at the Teatro Communale di Bolzano, the Teatro ad Adria, the Teatro Goldoni di Livorno and the Teatro Verdi di Pisa. In this last opera house, the singer also interpreted the title part in a concertante performance of SUOR ANGELICA.

Hye Won Nam can regularly be seen at the Art Center Seoul, recently as ELISABETTA in 'Don Carlo'and AMELIA in 'Un ballo in maschera' together with such renowned artist as wie Francesco Meli, Massimilliano Pisapia and Renato Devid Cecconi.


Schlossfestspiele Sondershausen - Turandot - TURANDOT
But the ones that have impressed me the most one stage were the two ladies, that couldn’t be more different: ..., whereas Hye Won Nam designs her Turandot with ice-cold, pervasive high notes.
In the big dispute between Turandot (Hye Won Nam) and Calàf (Kyounghan Seo) Turandot is defeated at the end. Both leading characters master the difficult parts with bravura.
Theater Nordhausen – Madame Butterfly - Cio-Cio-San
The Korean Hye Won Nam as Butterfly sets the benchmark. Her voice and her play meld into one unity. Enchanting as the naively loving 15- year-old geisha, touching as the yearningly waiting lover, pitifully desperate as the abandoned and deeply poignant in the final aria and her suicide.
Orpheus Nov/Dez 2019 - Claus-Ulrich Heinke
Hye Won Nam , also Korean, turns out to be an almost ideal Butterfly. Having interpreted this role many times, she now presented it with discipline, drawing all the empathy on her character. Her singing was just fantastic. Combined with humble, tripping passes to please Pinkerton, her holy earnestness at the conversation on the “American” religion, her caringly play with the young boy in an extreme emotional state: all of this gave proof of her enormous joy of playing...
Unfortunately, Hye Won Nam isn’t a member of the ensemble; her elegantly outlined singing art makes her a wandering Butterfly.
Thüringer Allgemeine
Theater Hof – Madame Butterfly - Cio-Cio-San
This opera’s cast depends crucially on the title role, Butterfly. The actress is expected to show childlike naive joy and an almost endless capacity of suffering in her permanent longing for Pinkerton to come back. Apperently, to Hye Won Nam this is not a problem: her lyrical soprano voice has no problem whatsoever in the high and low registers. She is technically brilliant and sings out every phrasing. She almost sonds like a youthful soprano. This becomes clear in her aria ich bin ein Mädchen – lo sono la fanciulla.
Wuppertal Opera House - Madama Butterfly
The standing ovations at the end of the premiere were mainly for Hye Won Han as a sensational Butterfly.
It is not just her looks that make the Korean soprano Hye Won Nam ideal for the title role. With her dramatic soprano voice she not only succeeds in dealing with the spiritedly playing Wuppertal Symphony Orchestra under the musical direction of Ulrich Windfuhr. Absolutely secure in the high registers and with an intense playing she sings her big aria in the second act "Un bel di vedremo" and her closing aria "Tu, tu, piccolo iddio".
Online Musik Magazine
Saarland State Theatre Saarbrücken - Madama Butterfly
The Korean Hye Won Nam, who was engaged for the role of Butterfly portrays the rdical Butterfly with every inch of her body: concentrated, impressive and powerful...She gives the character tragical greatness, she is the undisputable star of the evening.
Reingart Sauppe,
With Hye Won Nam (Madama Butterfly) a star is born. The Korean soprano enchants the spoiled Saarland audience. Gentle piani, followed by extremely expressive tones, dramatical, a voice without pathos or mawkishness. A stagefilling presence. Her body language and her voice have a breathtaking congruence. Gracefulness and lightness, then again hassling despair and dark bitterness. A voice that lingers deep in your soul. A beautiful physical appearance, which makes you understand Pinkerton's desire.
Frank Herkommer, Opernnetz
Magdeburg Theatre - Madama Butterfly
Hye Won Nam impressively plays the charming and at the same time naive Madama Butterfly. With her powerful voice and her delicate movements she reminds one of a fragile butterfly, clinging to its love.
Schlossfestspiele Sondershausen - Turandot - TURANDOT
Photo: Foto Marco Kneise
Theater Nordhausen - Madame Buttefly - CIO-CIO-SAN
Theater Hof - Madame Buttefly - CIO-CIO-SAN
Theater Nordhausen - Madame Buttefly - CIO-CIO-SAN
Theater Nordhausen - Madame Buttefly - CIO-CIO-SAN
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Madama Butterfly
Vereinigte Bühnen Wuppertal - Madama Butterfly
Theater Magdeburg - Madama Butterfly
Theater Magdeburg - Madama Butterfly