Franziska Giesemann



In 2021 Franziska Giesemann made her debut as HELMWIGE at the Klagenfurt Opera House. She is also engaged to sing this very role in 2022 at the Theatre Bern.

The 2nd FLOWER MAIDEN (2nd group) she portrays at the Hagen Theatre.

The German soprano studied at the Detmold Music Academy with Susan Anthony and at the Hannover Music Academy. She completed her master examination in opera singing at the Hannover Music Academy with top grades.

In college productions in Detmold and Hannover she already performed various roles such as KONSTANZE in “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, TATIANA in “Eugen Onegin”, the 1st DAME in “Die Zauberflöte” or the leading role in the German world premiere of the modern chamber opera SVADBA by Ana Sokolovic.

Supported by the Edelhof Ricklingen Foundation, she portrayed several roles at the Hannover Opera Festival “Oper auf dem Lande '' in the years 2017-2020 including KONSTANZE in “Die Entführung aus dem Serail”, MOTHER in” Hänsel und Gretel”, PRIMADONNA in “Ariadne auf Naxos” and PAULINE in “Pariser Leben”.

In 2019 Franziska Giesemann was awarded a Scholarship of the Richard-Wagner Association Hannover. In the same year she received admission as a scholar to the German National Academic Foundation.

Concert engagements brought the young soprano already to national and international concert halls. In 2019 she performed for the first time at the Gewandhaus Leipzig.

Her „amazingly soft, very emotional and touching, full soprano voice” brought her in 2014 as AGATHE in the Competition Opera “Der Freischütz” by Carl Maria von Weber to the 14th Ring Award Graz, where she won several prizes.

Born in a family of musicians, she received a versatile musical education from earliest childhood, including not only a vocal education but also violin, piano and accordion. Being highly qualified in all these sectors, she was awarded with numerous Prizes at “Jugend Musiziert” and other competitions.

She also was a long-standing member of the o.a. Sachsen-Anhalt’s State Youth Symphony Orchestra under the musical direction of Heribert Beissel.